MFP lies to me.



  • ennaejay
    ennaejay Posts: 575
    great thought! I don't bike currently. I'll hook up my bike to DH's Cycle-ops and add that in a couple times a week.

    And I'm buying 8lbs weights tonight. Look out WalMart!
  • Give PILATES a go. This will help you tone and achieve lean muscles. And of course up your water. And I know you said you dont want to hear this but be careful of liquid calories. I just downed some grape juice and afterwards realized it was 280 cals for 16oz!!! YIKES!!! :sad:
  • AggieCass09
    AggieCass09 Posts: 1,867 Member
    i'm in the same boat as you and i'm trying to add more strength training using the New Rules of Lifting for Women book.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    It won't be accurate if you are already at an extremely low amount of body fat. You can be skinny and still appear out of shape. You may need to gain some muscle to fill out a bit. This is why I get my body fat percentage checked from time to time. Typically some muscle loss will occur while cutting fat.

    I'm not super low body fat. I'm muscular and in good shape. I'm really quite happy with my endurance and my tone - It's the BF% in the trouble zones I want to cut back.

    Strength training seems to be the general consensus..... I'll do that. I'll add another video or two to my collection and buy slightly heavier weights. 8lbs, y'all think?

    What about weights on the ankles??? Is that weird? I hesitate upping my weights from 5lbs because I'm very happy with my arms and shoulders and don't want to look wiry. It's the last of the body fat I want to get rid of. BMI is 21 and I think my BF% is around 23 last I checked (online - I don't belong to a gym). I'm 5'6".

    Good advice, keep it coming... I didn't expect to hear so much strength training.

    I will keep running though; kindof addicted to that.... :blushing:

    You may need much heavier than 8 lbs for a lot of exercises. Make sure when you lift you do 8-12 reps, if you can do more than 12 up the weight so you are struggling to keep good form on your last few reps.
  • ennaejay
    ennaejay Posts: 575
    Eat clean, lift heavy weights. read New rules of lifting for women, and eat more. Do these things and you will lose body fat.

    "Eat Clean", you say. Anything specific? I cook from scratch most of the time. Lots of fruits and veggies, whole grains, low-fat dairy (except for the raw milk). I do have a sweet tooth though and sometimes go overboard on sugar. What would you recommend cutting back?? I get tons of fiber. This is a PITA. I don't even drink a lot.

    You're built a lot like I am. Nice scope. I picked off a groundhog from our backyard a couple weeks ago, open sights. :bigsmile:
  • ladyhawk00
    ladyhawk00 Posts: 2,457 Member
    It won't be accurate if you are already at an extremely low amount of body fat. You can be skinny and still appear out of shape. You may need to gain some muscle to fill out a bit. This is why I get my body fat percentage checked from time to time. Typically some muscle loss will occur while cutting fat.

    I'm not super low body fat. I'm muscular and in good shape. I'm really quite happy with my endurance and my tone - It's the BF% in the trouble zones I want to cut back.

    Strength training seems to be the general consensus..... I'll do that. I'll add another video or two to my collection and buy slightly heavier weights. 8lbs, y'all think?

    What about weights on the ankles??? Is that weird? I hesitate upping my weights from 5lbs because I'm very happy with my arms and shoulders and don't want to look wiry. It's the last of the body fat I want to get rid of. BMI is 21 and I think my BF% is around 23 last I checked (online - I don't belong to a gym). I'm 5'6".

    Good advice, keep it coming... I didn't expect to hear so much strength training.

    I will keep running though; kindof addicted to that.... :blushing:

    You may need much heavier than 8 lbs for a lot of exercises. Make sure when you lift you do 8-12 reps, if you can do more than 12 up the weight so you are struggling to keep good form on your last few reps.

    Yeah, based on your pics and what you've said, I can't believe 8 lbs is nearly enough to challenge you. When we say strength, we mean it should be HARD. Highly recommend New Rules.
  • PlanetVelma
    PlanetVelma Posts: 1,223 Member
    It won't be accurate if you are already at an extremely low amount of body fat. You can be skinny and still appear out of shape. You may need to gain some muscle to fill out a bit. This is why I get my body fat percentage checked from time to time. Typically some muscle loss will occur while cutting fat.

    I'm not super low body fat. I'm muscular and in good shape. I'm really quite happy with my endurance and my tone - It's the BF% in the trouble zones I want to cut back.

    Strength training seems to be the general consensus..... I'll do that. I'll add another video or two to my collection and buy slightly heavier weights. 8lbs, y'all think?

    What about weights on the ankles??? Is that weird? I hesitate upping my weights from 5lbs because I'm very happy with my arms and shoulders and don't want to look wiry. It's the last of the body fat I want to get rid of. BMI is 21 and I think my BF% is around 23 last I checked (online - I don't belong to a gym). I'm 5'6".

    Good advice, keep it coming... I didn't expect to hear so much strength training.

    I will keep running though; kindof addicted to that.... :blushing:

    You could get weights for your ankles/wrists for walking/running/etc...

    Personally, I'd get 10 lb weights....another thing you could try is do your weight training before your cardio. I remember reading an article somewhere about how you burn more if you do your weight training before cardio. That is something I've done in the past (and I'm doing currently). It sure is a time saver for those of us who are crunched for time and trying to squeeze in a workout! LOL
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    It won't be accurate if you are already at an extremely low amount of body fat. You can be skinny and still appear out of shape. You may need to gain some muscle to fill out a bit. This is why I get my body fat percentage checked from time to time. Typically some muscle loss will occur while cutting fat.

    I'm not super low body fat. I'm muscular and in good shape. I'm really quite happy with my endurance and my tone - It's the BF% in the trouble zones I want to cut back.

    Strength training seems to be the general consensus..... I'll do that. I'll add another video or two to my collection and buy slightly heavier weights. 8lbs, y'all think?

    What about weights on the ankles??? Is that weird? I hesitate upping my weights from 5lbs because I'm very happy with my arms and shoulders and don't want to look wiry. It's the last of the body fat I want to get rid of. BMI is 21 and I think my BF% is around 23 last I checked (online - I don't belong to a gym). I'm 5'6".

    Good advice, keep it coming... I didn't expect to hear so much strength training.

    I will keep running though; kindof addicted to that.... :blushing:

    You could get weights for your ankles/wrists for walking/running/etc...

    Please don't do the ankle weights for running or walking, this is a good way to mess with your knee and hip joints.
  • ennaejay
    ennaejay Posts: 575
    Have you tried the 30 Day Shred by Jillian Michaels? I have seen some awesome results on here.

    Ohhhhh yes. And most of her other DVDs. Annoying as hell, but good workouts.
    You want to look more like a Fitness model I'm guessing, a bikini model-type look?

    Hit the weights, don't be afraid to make them heavy. I would consult the ladies at or the T-Vixens at You are never going to wake up one day and look like a She-Manazon no matter how heavy and hard you were to lift the weights, unless you were to add some testoterone shots coupled with an insane diet.

    Well..... I guess. If you want specifics, losing 2" off my thighs and 2" off my butt would be ideal, and the last of the tummy fat around my navel. It's stubborn. Think of Cameron D, like that. No hormones, no insane diet, I just want to reach my goal in a reasonable way, and don't want to lose the muscle I DO have because I'm more concerned with weight than fitness. That's no good.

    And shoot, all right, I'll make it 10-lbs. You guys are tough. I asked for it. :laugh:
  • ennaejay
    ennaejay Posts: 575
    thanks also erickirb -- someone else recommended more HIIT training, even doing intervals when I run, which I don't currently. I guess that works to spike the heart rate and "shock" the system. Cool.
  • ennaejay
    ennaejay Posts: 575
    Have you checked the mirror lately? Your freakin hot.. what's the problem?

    And you, my friend, can't trust profile pictures at MFP, and I am a married woman. Behave.

    And yes, Tunuki Bear is very sexy. See my box of yak trax? Double sexy.
  • ennaejay
    ennaejay Posts: 575
    This was off

    Using your measurements of a 26 inches waist and weight of 128 pounds your body fat percentage is estimated to be 26.81 % using the U.S. Army body fat algorithm, or 18.92 % using the U.S. Marine body fat algorithm, or 21.69 % using the U.S. Navy body fat algorithm, or 20.99 % using the formula developed by the YMCA.

    These methods are not as accurate as a water displacement test, but is usually within 1-3% for most people. If you have a very small waist, it will show a low value. On the other hand, if you carry all your extra weight around your middle, you may have an elevated percentage. Please note that having this extra weight in the middle is a high risk factor for heart disease and stroke. The waist to hip ratio calculator can give you more information.

    The average body fat percentage for U.S. females is around 32%, with the ideal at 22%. Athletic females should be around 15-20%. You could have an eating disorder if you are below 10%. Remember these are guidelines; your physician should help you determine the ideal weight and body fat for you"

    So how DO I find my BF%? I guess that's not terribly important - now that I already have some routes of action...

    ChaLEAN EXTREME looks expensive.... sigh.... I'll do the heavier weights and biking first for a couple months and see if that does the trick. And pick up that book for some mental food.
    JDRBT Posts: 264 Member
    When's the last time you mixed it up? If you're doing the same work outs and not getting results, try some new ones!
    Is there a Rock Climbing Gym near you? That'll tone up those trouble areas in NO TIME ( and it's SO MUCH FUN!) Maybe join a rec basketball game? That's pretty much like doing wind sprints (which will help with thighs and tummy), pilates, and lifting all at once!

    And yes, I agree - MFP lies on that statement. I ignore it...
  • jamie78
    jamie78 Posts: 514 Member
    I understand how ya feeling! I don't even press the button anymore. Lol
    Haha me either
  • ltf304
    ltf304 Posts: 132 Member
    Eat clean, lift heavy weights. read New rules of lifting for women, and eat more. Do these things and you will lose body fat.

    "Eat Clean", you say. Anything specific? I cook from scratch most of the time. Lots of fruits and veggies, whole grains, low-fat dairy (except for the raw milk). I do have a sweet tooth though and sometimes go overboard on sugar. What would you recommend cutting back?? I get tons of fiber. This is a PITA. I don't even drink a lot.

    You're built a lot like I am. Nice scope. I picked off a groundhog from our backyard a couple weeks ago, open sights. :bigsmile:
    Just stay away from processed foods....making your own food from scratch is a good way to do this. No white flour, sugar, etc. in those homemade recipes I'm hoping. :)

    I am in the same boat as you and I just keep plugging along and lifting heavier weights. Also, lifting heavier weights will help you build muscle and lose body fat. Lift as heavy as you can! As you can see from my pics I don't appear to have a lot of muscle but I do.

    Its my husbands gun and I was shooting at a tree branch. haha. Kinda like an animal right!?!? :)
  • abow29
    abow29 Posts: 14
    I would totally decrease the number of calories you eat every day to at most 1,200. Given your already slender frame, it is really hard to lose weight by eating 1,600, even if you exercise.
  • ennaejay
    ennaejay Posts: 575
    Eat clean, lift heavy weights. read New rules of lifting for women, and eat more. Do these things and you will lose body fat.

    "Eat Clean", you say. Anything specific? I cook from scratch most of the time. Lots of fruits and veggies, whole grains, low-fat dairy (except for the raw milk). I do have a sweet tooth though and sometimes go overboard on sugar. What would you recommend cutting back?? I get tons of fiber. This is a PITA. I don't even drink a lot.

    You're built a lot like I am. Nice scope. I picked off a groundhog from our backyard a couple weeks ago, open sights. :bigsmile:
    Just stay away from processed foods....making your own food from scratch is a good way to do this. No white flour, sugar, etc. in those homemade recipes I'm hoping. :)

    I am in the same boat as you and I just keep plugging along and lifting heavier weights. Also, lifting heavier weights will help you build muscle and lose body fat. Lift as heavy as you can! As you can see from my pics I don't appear to have a lot of muscle but I do.

    Its my husbands gun and I was shooting at a tree branch. haha. Kinda like an animal right!?!? :)

    I can't wait to get my hands on that New Rules of Lifting book. I mostly stay away from processed foods. I mean, I don't grind my own flour, but I do buy whole-wheat. See, doggone it, I do still use sugar. I'm cutting back - using applesauce, molasses, maple syrup, stevia, honey etc in place of white and brown sugar. But I still consider sugar to be OK in moderation, it's just empty calories so should be avoided. Like alcohol right? We eat a lot of beans and rice, not a huge amount of meat, no snacky foods unless it's dried fruit or healthy granola bars. I'm pretty crunchy, but haven't taken the step towards vegetarianism or veganism. I would fear divorce (not really,hehe). Thanks again for the advice -- and be sure and get your own gun at some point. :)

    Thanks y'all. Looking forward to implementing everything!!
  • duckpond11
    duckpond11 Posts: 197 Member
    Definitely pick up New Rules of Lifting for Women. 10 pounds is still a girly weight. You will not be challenging yourself enough with that for everything. Also with so little to lose, I suggest you throw out your scale and focus on something else to measure your progress. Read this article (and also the one about the nail in the coffin of cardio if you are interested).
  • chorgi
    chorgi Posts: 221
    Just curious, but do you log your calories burned with a heart rate monitor or do you just put your workout into My Fitness Pal and let it tell you how many calories you've burned? Everyone weighs different amounts. It takes more energy for a 200 lbs person to walk a mile in 30 minutes than it would for a 150 lbs person. I'm assuming that My Fitness Pal's "guess" at how many calories you've actually burned are based on someone else's entry once upon a time. If you're not using a heart rate monitor or a similar device (like a body bug), your estimates of how many calories you're burning could be way off.

    Regardless of what your doing, you seem very active and are doing great! What's on the scale is just a number. If you're happy with how you feel and what you see, that's all that matters. :)
  • ennaejay
    ennaejay Posts: 575
    Just curious, but do you log your calories burned with a heart rate monitor or do you just put your workout into My Fitness Pal and let it tell you how many calories you've burned? Everyone weighs different amounts. It takes more energy for a 200 lbs person to walk a mile in 30 minutes than it would for a 150 lbs person. I'm assuming that My Fitness Pal's "guess" at how many calories you've actually burned are based on someone else's entry once upon a time. If you're not using a heart rate monitor or a similar device (like a body bug), your estimates of how many calories you're burning could be way off.

    Regardless of what your doing, you seem very active and are doing great! What's on the scale is just a number. If you're happy with how you feel and what you see, that's all that matters. :)

    Hey! I like your quote by creflo, wow, I haven't heard his name in ages.

    I DO wear an HRM by Garmin, just started over a week ago. Yes, MFP's calories were wayyyy off for me. They weren't giving me half enough credit for my circuit training.... and too much for my running!

    I bought my 10-lb weights today at Target, I'm skeeered :) Let's go lose body fat! I threw out my scale last night! :happy: