MFP lies to me.

I have a puzzle. Every night when I finish my food diary, MFP says that "If every day were like today, you'd weigh ____lbs in 5 weeks". It's bull.

I've been on here for 8 weeks and haven't lost a single pound.

I work out regularly, I run an average of 15 miles a week and do circuit training videos with 5-lb weights. I'm lean, 128lbs, slim, strong. But I want to trim down my tummy, thighs and butt, and I canNOT seem to do it.

I eat around 1600 calories a day, give or take 100-200. I hardly ever go over 2000. I burn about 200-450 calories 5x a week.

Without getting into the obnoxious "do you eat your exercise calories", just go off of what I've told you, and tell me what I need to do to slim down a bit.

Cardio? Should I run, run run? Or strength, should I do squats and plank rows until I burst a vein somewhere? Or a combination, like I've been doing?

I don't care if I never weigh 125 lbs, although that's my "goal". I just want slimmer thighs and a smaller butt, and a tighter tummy. How do I get there?? My weight hasn't changed a lick in 8 weeks. Yes, I'm eating enough. No, I'm not eating too much. Give me other input pretty please!



  • YukonJoy
    YukonJoy Posts: 1,279 Member
    I would add in way more strength training.
  • princesslmc2
    princesslmc2 Posts: 264 Member
    A friend of mine was in a similar situation... Just a few pounds from her goal, yet content with where she was. She did HEAVY weight lifting/training (particularly ChaLEAN Extreme), and she lost another 10 pounds and HALF of her body fat. I can attest to that too (though I still have a bit of poundage to lose). So my suggestion.... lift heavier weights!
  • chubbyandawkward
    I am going through the EXACT same thing. It's so frustrating!
    I look more toned but I've put on 6lbs! 6lbs is NOT muscle no matter what any one says.
    I'll be interested in what people say to this
  • Cat52169
    Cat52169 Posts: 277 Member
    It seems to me that you aren't necessarily in need of losing weight but you want to tone. I would suggest some weight training just to tone and tighten what you have.
  • thebunnies
    thebunnies Posts: 168
    i find that running is very slimming.. you use your entire body to run. the elliptical at different resistances has slimmed out my thighs. also, doing Nike Training Camp workouts have really helped me slim out my arms, legs, and tighten my tummy.
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    What height are you? I'm going to guess that you're already pretty close to a healthy weight for your height, and so those last few pounds are really loath to come off!

    If you're more focussed on shape than the number on the scale, then better training incorporating weights is the answer, not more and more cardio.

    Good luck!
  • n_woodall
    n_woodall Posts: 5 Member
    It won't be accurate if you are already at an extremely low amount of body fat. You can be skinny and still appear out of shape. You may need to gain some muscle to fill out a bit. This is why I get my body fat percentage checked from time to time. Typically some muscle loss will occur while cutting fat.
  • CatMauro
    CatMauro Posts: 225 Member
    Switch up your work out. Try a box fit class (fitness of boxers, not boxercise) Guarantee you'll lose those last couple of spots.
  • aj_rock
    aj_rock Posts: 390 Member
    Yeah, I don't understand why MFP states that after you finish your day either. False hope/unrealistic goals.

    Based on what you say, maybe you should look at your BF%. At your weight/height, considering that you're in pretty good shape, you might be pretty lean, and what you see is just muscle :ohwell:

    To get lower would require more stringent regimes than you'll see typically in/around MFP...
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    I would add in way more strength training.

    Agreed, and also throw in HIIT to replace a day of your regular cardio. With so little to lose try setting your goal to 0.5 lbs/week as you should not expect to lose more than that with only 3 lbs to go.
  • thamre
    thamre Posts: 642 Member
    Have you tried the 30 Day Shred by Jillian Michaels? I have seen some awesome results on here.
  • shelbygeorge29
    shelbygeorge29 Posts: 263 Member
    You want to look more like a Fitness model I'm guessing, a bikini model-type look?

    Hit the weights, don't be afraid to make them heavy. I would consult the ladies at or the T-Vixens at You are never going to wake up one day and look like a She-Manazon no matter how heavy and hard you were to lift the weights, unless you were to add some testoterone shots coupled with an insane diet.
  • koosdel
    koosdel Posts: 3,317 Member
    Have you checked the mirror lately? Your freakin hot.. what's the problem?
  • SpaceMarkus
    I was in a similar boat. Did ChaLEAN Extreme and dropped 15lbs fast. Cut my body fat and leaned out, too. Add more weights to your routine.
  • ladyhawk00
    ladyhawk00 Posts: 2,457 Member
    Can almost guarantee your loss per week goal and expectations are too high.

    If you have very little fat, you won't lose 2 lbs a week, or even 1. You'll lose VERY slowly, and it won't be linear (as in, you won't see a loss every week, or even every month.)

    When you are interested in losing the last 5 lbs and improving body composition, you need a VERY conservative deficit (or possibly maintenance) and more strength training. And you need to look more at other markers, such as measurements and body fat %, not weight.

    May help to read these threads:
  • theba2il
    theba2il Posts: 548 Member
    I understand how ya feeling! I don't even press the button anymore. Lol
  • momof3and3
    momof3and3 Posts: 656 Member
    add hills to your runs and add distance to some of them....add in more strenght training... up your weight, 5lbs is pretty light weights..squats, lunges, dead lifts, etc...also try a spinning class...spinning really helps to work legs, hips and core.

    You'll notice inches melting away...
  • Leannek74
    Leannek74 Posts: 374 Member
    I was NOT eating my workout calories when I was losing 1.5-2 pounds per week. I noticed and extra 100-200 calories would stall my loss too.
  • ltf304
    ltf304 Posts: 132 Member
    Eat clean, lift heavy weights. read New rules of lifting for women, and eat more. Do these things and you will lose body fat.
  • ennaejay
    ennaejay Posts: 575
    It won't be accurate if you are already at an extremely low amount of body fat. You can be skinny and still appear out of shape. You may need to gain some muscle to fill out a bit. This is why I get my body fat percentage checked from time to time. Typically some muscle loss will occur while cutting fat.

    I'm not super low body fat. I'm muscular and in good shape. I'm really quite happy with my endurance and my tone - It's the BF% in the trouble zones I want to cut back.

    Strength training seems to be the general consensus..... I'll do that. I'll add another video or two to my collection and buy slightly heavier weights. 8lbs, y'all think?

    What about weights on the ankles??? Is that weird? I hesitate upping my weights from 5lbs because I'm very happy with my arms and shoulders and don't want to look wiry. It's the last of the body fat I want to get rid of. BMI is 21 and I think my BF% is around 23 last I checked (online - I don't belong to a gym). I'm 5'6".

    Good advice, keep it coming... I didn't expect to hear so much strength training.

    I will keep running though; kindof addicted to that.... :blushing: