

  • I know it's hard to get back on the band wagon after you fall off but pick yourself up and start over. Don't worry about what you did yesterday and start fresh today, this minute. Baby steps to a heathier life. Stop the cola! even diet is crap. It's hard but it's the sugar you are craving. Drink water, Ice tea even that…
  • Thank you all for the advive. I have been measuring and haven't lost many inches. I lost abut 3 from my hips and 2 from my waist in the 1st couple weeks and nothing lately. I would love some ideas on other at home exercise. I stick with tae bo because its sorta fun and I don't hate it like I did the biggest loser work…
  • I like the reduced fat ones, they have more bite and less calories...yum
  • What is a HRM?
  • Thank you all
  • Hello, I am an ex weight watcher member. I lost and gained the same 40 pounds 3 times. Everytime I stopped going I gained it back. I always stopped keeping track. The new points system doesn't seem to work as well as the old plan. My friend kept gaining weight and I think it's because she ate tons of fruit which is now 0…
  • I was affraid that I wasn't counting the calories right or the suggestion calories were wrong for tae bo. I ate fajitas this week too and thought maybe I messed up there. I am an ex weight watcher memeber and never gained the second week, so I think I just freaked out. Thanks
  • Good ol Tae Bo. Burns mega calories and it fun...
  • Thanks for all the help
  • Hello, I went to an OA meeting in my area and didn't like how the meeting was ran. They had strange food plans that differed from what I had read about OA. I am addicted to food and would love the support of an OA memeber. Feel free to add me if you would like. I have a long journey ahead of me and have battled the up and…