andmiles Member


  • I'm in! I hope to lose 10 pounds by then. :)
  • Should we start yet another challenge if this one fills up too? I'm hoping to be at goal around Christmas and would love the motivation!
  • Everyday, in the morning. :) I don't think it's overuse at all. I even have a Withing's scale that uploads that data wirelessly for me, and then I export that data to excel and run trends/projects on it about once a month or so (or whenever I feel I'm getting off track). 1. I'm a huge nerd 2. If I STOP weighing daily,…
  • * My feet sweat really badly and slip off the mat. Socks acceptable? You may still slip with socks. As others have said a "stickier" mat may help, or rosin, or a towel on top of your mat. Play around and see what works best for you. * I like to weight train and have heard not to do Yoga on the same day you lift. Fact or…