Calling All Yogis

Okay, so I've done some DVDs like FIRM Yoga and Yoga X, but I had never taken a class until Monday. I chose Basic Beginner Yoga which I really, really enjoyed and want to add it into my weekly routine. However, I have a few concerns. Here's what:

* My feet sweat really badly and slip off the mat. Socks acceptable?
* I like to weight train and have heard not to do Yoga on the same day you lift. Fact or Myth?
* How long until I'm ready for a more advanced class?
* I'm training for another marathon. How many days a week should I incorporate Yoga into my training?

Thanks for all your comments, answers, and words of wisdom. Yes, I googled for my own research purposes, but find that the MFP fam is far more interesting and relatable.


  • yeabby
    yeabby Posts: 643 Member
    1. Socks are okay (some instructors frown but, this is your practice and they're just guiding it) but they slip too. Yoga socks are most acceptable. They have the pad/toes cut out and the heel so you can still grip.

    2. I lift on the same day without problems, had never heard that one before.

    3. Move up when you're ready. If you feel like you've got form through the routine try the next. If it doesn't work go back. Like I said, it's your practice.

    4. Wish I liked running but I don't....can't help with this one.

    Good luck.
  • OhSuzzz
    OhSuzzz Posts: 44 Member
    You can wear socks, but it probably won't help. Getting a different mat, one more sticky helps. Or getting a towel that stops sliding (like yogitoes). I personally use Aurorae Yoga slip free rosin bag... (

    I can't comment on the strength training, I'm sure someone else will.

    You'll know when you're ready for a more advanced class. I personally stay in the beginner power classes because I don't love hot yoga, and that's my only option for more advanced classes. You will just have to try a level up at some point, and see how you feel. It's all about you, you can always go into childs pose if you get out of your element. Your body tells you how far you can go each class. Some days I struggle in my beginner class, other days I rock the regular vinyasa flow classes and poses. It all varies.

    A lot of people training that I follow on blogs do yoga 2x a week... I'm not sure as Im not a big runner, so again, I' msure someone else can touch on that for ya!
  • fitsaxon
    fitsaxon Posts: 57
    1) Socks acceptable! Though, for me this may make the practice more slippery- maybe use the kind with grips on the bottom?
    2) I see no reason why not-- Light yoga may be a good stretch after a hard workout!
    3) Go at your own pace, if you feel that your body can handle the beginer class, try a more advance class. Even if you get in a bit over your head, many teachers show a varity of modifactions so that you may follow along within the level of your practice. Just don't do anything that seems to disagree with your body!
    4) I'm training for a half! I go once a week, the day after my "long run day."
  • ceschwartz
    ceschwartz Posts: 240 Member
    They sell socks with grips and toes for yoga. Regular ones might make the move harder, but it's really your call. Just be careful. Yoga is all about strength and control so lifting the same day might be a bit much. I think you could get strong enough to handle both. I would just incorporate them slowly together to avoid injury. It would be better to do yoga on a cardio day. Talk to the yoga teacher about the next class entails. Slowly work towards those moves. Everyone's body is different. I would say start with two days and see how you feel.

    Just my thoughts. :-)
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,786 Member
    Here is my take on your questions:

    1. socks: there are yoga socks that you can wear. Also, you can get a type of towel (I think they have them at Target) that goes over your mat. You have to slightly wet it down to make it stay.
    2. Myth. Though given the choice, I would weight train first.
    3. it depends how much more of an advanced class you want to go to. It will be easier to take a regular class if you know all the poses first. If you are talking about classes with inversions (headstand, handstand) and more advanced backbends, message me and we can discuss exactly what you are doing now.
    4. I don't know much about marathon training. But here's the yoga rule: once a week to survive, twice a week to revive, three or more times a week to thrive (cute, eh?). What that means is: once a week you will maintain the flexibility and level that you are at now, twice a week you will have some gains, especially in the beginning of your journey, 3 or more you gains will be quite good.

    hope that helps
  • scarletfever2005
    scarletfever2005 Posts: 141 Member
    If you are gonna lift do it first! Static stretches should NOT be done before lifting.
  • rybo
    rybo Posts: 5,424 Member
    * My feet sweat really badly and slip off the mat. Socks acceptable?
    * I like to weight train and have heard not to do Yoga on the same day you lift. Fact or Myth?
    * How long until I'm ready for a more advanced class?
    * I'm training for another marathon. How many days a week should I incorporate Yoga into my training?

    Not sure of the acceptablitly of socks, but those towels that go over your mat are great to keep your feet from slipping.
    Probably a myth, but I generally don't do them the same day just from a time standpoint, but when I do I have to lift after or my yoga practice is horrible.
    Anytime you want. Most advanced classes will let you take modifications if you aren't quite ready yet for that pose.
    I did yoga 1-2 times a week while training for a marathon. I think you just need to figure how much time you have and what is comfortable for you.
  • andmiles
    andmiles Posts: 4 Member
    * My feet sweat really badly and slip off the mat. Socks acceptable?

    You may still slip with socks. As others have said a "stickier" mat may help, or rosin, or a towel on top of your mat. Play around and see what works best for you.

    * I like to weight train and have heard not to do Yoga on the same day you lift. Fact or Myth?

    I've never heard not to do Yoga the same day--I have heard though that some people substitute yoga for weight lifting during training. Kind of depends on what type of yoga you're doing. For me, the vinyasa class I take has a lot of strength moves so I could see how a long yoga class could interfere with a weights session later. (My muscles would already be fatigued.) If you were doing Hatha though that's fairly gentle and I could see combining the two.

    * How long until I'm ready for a more advanced class?

    Depends on how often you practice and what your studio/instructor provides. My new studio has yoga I and yoga II classes as well as mixed classes that fall somewhere in the middle. I've been taking classes at least 1-2 times a week for about 4 months and am just moving to the mixed classes. I really want to get all the moves down and feel comfortable with the advanced modifications before I move up any further. The nice thing though is no one is going to throw you out or challenge you for trying to move up. If you want to challenge yourself just jump in to a more advanced class. If it doesn't work just hang out in child's pose.

    * I'm training for another marathon. How many days a week should I incorporate Yoga into my training?

    I'm training for my first marathon! My plan right now is to sub yoga once a week for one of my weights sessions. At the moment I've got yoga scheduled on Saturdays (long run on Sundays). As I move up in mileage I may reasses. I'd actually like to do yoga twice a week, I'm just not sure I'm going to have the time with all my runs. Like I said--we'll see as I get up in mileage. Maybe I'll do a gentle class on my rest days.
  • ladybug11
    ladybug11 Posts: 87 Member
    Thanks guys for all your responses. Appreciate the tips.