jennistokes Member


  • Love luna chocolate chip cookie dough protein bars! Also, sliced turkey, single serve edamame packs, a spoonful of peanut butter and chobani champions - yes they are made for little ones, but the size is perfect for a snack!
  • Glad I'm not the only one experiencing this. It seems the 3 days before and during are the hardest. I try and do something with less impact like light weights or bikram instead of the usual running and cycling.
  • I actually gave up weighing myself and went with how my clothes fit. I found I was getting too obsessed with the number on the scale and not focusing on the muscle I was gaining. Don't worry about that number so much, go with how YOU feel, how clothes fit and how healthy your lifestyle is! Keep up your awesome work :)
  • Lately its been all about oats for me! 1/2 cup quick oats, 1/2 cup unsweetened vanilla almond breeze. 3/4 water. Top with some almonds and cinnamon. So satisfying! On the weeks I let myself 'splurge' a bit and have a 0% greek yogurt with fresh fruit and honey. I've been loving peaches right now! I'm definitely a sweet…
  • try cottage cheese mixed with mango salsa. A bit savory and sweet. SO good. My favorite is the costco Mango salsa with Fiber One cottage cheese!