

  • I have a thyroid issue, I was in my Dr's office in tears cause not only could I not loose weight but I was gaining at the tune of about 5lbs a week no matter what I ate or didn't. I swear for a while there I KNOW I wasn't getting enough calories.(2 bags of air popped pop corn and some fruit? Nope not enough calories.) He…
  • I use Miracle Whip light(or how ever they spell it), because even regular Miracle Whip has lots less calories than regular mayo.
    in Potato Salad? Comment by Akasa May 2009
  • I just got diagnosed with acid reflux, which I have been struggling with for a while. My cooking usually entails spices, always garlic or onion, or both. Now I can't have either, or tomatoes, peppers of any kind(good bye dear bell pepper and ranch), fatty meats, fried foods, tea, coffee, dairy, chocolate, spicy food of any…
  • I guess I need to clarify a bit on the "meat is expensive." I live in Hawaii. Pretty much everything here is about $1 more.(Except for canned juices which I can get 12 for $4 and some of the local fruits and vegitables). I find mysef out of the house and running around a lot, I have only one of each pan, my oven is half…
    in My problem Comment by Akasa March 2009
  • I've only lost a few pounds since I started, but I've lost INCHES! I'd much rather loose inches than pounds. I can see keeping a portion of my weight because of building muscle. You must keep that in mind with the working out you are creating muscle where you had fat, and for a while you will seem to stay the same weight…
  • I know that there are others out there with the same problem as me. My problem is GETTING enough calories. Not going over my calories. I rarely eat meat because its expensive and I'm on a fixed income. I will eat a whole 16 oz bag of baby carrots through the day, and not feel like eating anything else. I may have juice or…
    in My problem Comment by Akasa March 2009
  • I do swing dancing. :) I've wanted to learn for years and finally got into it. Im getting lots of compliments on how fast I'm progressing and improving.
    in Shrinkage Comment by Akasa November 2008
  • Since I moved to Hawaii I've gone pretty much vegetarian due to the price fo food stuffs out here. I've also ben trying to get all my calories which sometimes is hard. Anyways we have apple bananas out here. They are smaller and sweeter than regular bananas, and I have no idea if they ever go to the mainland, but they are…
  • I have gained a couple pounds since I started, but I've lost .75cm from my waist and 1cm from my hips. I wish there was a line to add my thigh measurments cause I'm sure those are shrinking and toning up due to my dancing as well. I'll gladly trade muscle for fat!
    in Shrinkage Comment by Akasa November 2008
  • Just this past year my mother found out she's allergic to wheat and has gone to basically making almost all food herself. She relies heavily on the gluten free products, but there's all kinds of things that they sneak into food that is wheat or a wheat dirivitive. If you pm me your email I'll have her email you much more…
  • This past week I've been going to bad foods for comfort. I'm staying within my calorie limits, but lets just say I'm not joking when I say chocolate is a food group. I feel with everything going on I need comfort more than healthy food. So I'm not really expecting to loose weight this week. As to what happened where I need…
  • We're supposed to eat our BMR calories yes? My intake on my food is less than my BMR. Should I try to eat my BMR or the calories my chart tells me to intake?
  • Originally Ft. Worth, TX. Now Hawaii!
  • It says my happy weight is 122.2, but my goal is 135. I'd love to get that thin again, but I'd be happy loosing my over 40 lbs. :smile:
  • As the posted above me mentioned make sure to have protien with your snacks. Snacks with some carbs is good fro the emergency get your blood sugar up, but you have to have the protien to keep it steady. So something like a peanut butter and jelly sandwich on whole grain bread would be good. Also you can eat fruit when you…
  • I've read teh newbies read here posts, and I have a situation not covered. As many before me I've been eating one meal a day and maybe some snacking, eating way below the calorie intake I should. When I started on the site and found out just how few calories I've been eating, knowing already what such a deficit could do, I…
  • Due to injuries and a thyroid problem I became obese. I've gotten down to 178 from over 200 with the thyroid issue addressed through medication, but haven't been able to loose any more weight. I figure with the help of the site I can keep better track of what I eat and be aware of when I'm starving myself. (I usually only…
    in Hi I'm new Comment by Akasa October 2008