Starting weight for challenge - 226 Today's Date - 11/5/11 Today's weight - 226 Goal weight for challenge - 220 Your personal goal - run 3 times/week, Just Dance 3 "just sweat" for 50 mins 3 times/week How you are doing on your personal goal - Slacking a little as I'm (still =\ ) recovering from a sinus infection. Tomorrow…
Starting weight for challenge - 226 Today's Date - 11/2/11 Today's weight - 226 Goal weight for challenge - 220 Your personal goal - run 3 times/week, Just Dance 3 "just sweat" for 50 mins 3 times/week How you are doing on your personal goal - Slacking a little as I'm recovering from a sinus infection. Back on track…
There we go! Thanks!
Hmm.. I can't seem to get the banner to work... any ideas?
SW (as of today): 226 Goal for November: 220 Self-Challenge: run 3 times/week, Just Dance 3 "just sweat" for 50 mins 3 times/week
I'm in! The more accountable I need to be, the better!
Final weigh-in SW: 236 Week 1: 235 Week 2: 232.8 Week 3: 231.6 Week 4: -- Week 5: 231.2 Week 6: 229 Week 7:-- Week 8: 227.8 CW: 226.8 Total Lost: 9.2 lbs lost this week: 1 lbs
Week 8: SW: 236 Week 1: 235 Week 2: 232.8 Week 3: 231.6 Week 4: -- Week 5: 231.2 Week 6: 229 Week 7:-- CW: 227.8 Total Lost: 8.2 lbs lost this week: 1.2 lbs
I'm sorry I missed last week's weigh-in. I worked 18 hours over Friday/Saturday. But I'll be posting again on Friday! keep up the good work everyone!
SW: 236 Week 1: 235 Week 2: 232.8 Week 3: 231.6 Week 4: -- Week 5: 231.2 CW: 229 Total Lost: 7 lbs lost this week: 2.2 lbs
Weigh-in for Friday, Sept. 23 231.2
SW: 236 CW: 231.6
SW: 236 Week 1: 235/- .004% CW: 232.8 - 2.2 -.009% Total -3.2 -.014%
Sorry I'm so late! I was out of town without my computer & the myfitnesspal app doesn't let you access message boards! SW: 236 CW: 235 - 1 - .004%
5. ag1232- Starting weight 236
1. Nelski 2. Fieldsy 3. STARSHINE1975 4. femme62209 5. ag1232