Nelski's Biggest Loser contest...CLOSED



  • reddebsings
    Feelin' GOOD!

    SW: 205
    Last Week: 187
    CW: 185.0
    Loss this week: 2

    OVERALL: -20 lbs, -9.75%
  • inshapeCK
    inshapeCK Posts: 3,946 Member
    Weight At Beginning Of Contest: 144.6 pounds
    Today's Weight: 141 pounds (same as last Friday so I maintained)
    Total Lost: 3.6 pounds
    Total Percentage Lost: 2.48%

    I know 3.6 pounds doesn't seem like much weight lost over a period of just over 2 months but I am just happy that I didn't give up everytime my weight went up over that time. It used to be that I'd throw in the towel and think I couldn't lose the weight I wanted to when I gained a bunch of weight back. Now I can say that I lost 3.6 pounds and I stuck with my weight loss journey.
  • ag1232
    ag1232 Posts: 16
    Final weigh-in

    SW: 236
    Week 1: 235
    Week 2: 232.8
    Week 3: 231.6
    Week 4: --
    Week 5: 231.2
    Week 6: 229
    Week 7:--
    Week 8: 227.8
    CW: 226.8
    Total Lost: 9.2 lbs
    lost this week: 1 lbs
  • Nelski
    Nelski Posts: 1,607 Member
    Week 10

    1 reddebsings -9.75%
    2 Starshine1975 -8.98
    3 melmck2011 -7.86
    4 dianer75935 -5.54
    5 ag1232 3.89
    6 inshapeck 2.48
    7 nelski 1.43

    Congrats reddebsings!

    Great job everyone. Fieldsy is having a biggest loser contest in the forums at the site he just created if you would like to join again.
  • dianer75935
    dianer75935 Posts: 186 Member
    last week 255.6
    this week 255
    lost.6 still a loss
  • Nelski
    Nelski Posts: 1,607 Member
    last week 255.6
    this week 255
    lost.6 still a loss
    Contest is over but great job on still losing!