shariklasse Member


  • I would say put your child in a stroller and walk. They love it and it get's you out and moving. I lost 40 pounds that way :) Well I was pushing a double stroller.
  • Mine is open to any friends. It helps me stay on track when I know they can see what I'm eating and doing. Saved me from a trip through the drive thru last night! I knew my friends would see and I knew deep down I shouldn't be doing it anyways :)
  • Yes one gram er pound is great.
  • Well I'm on my second round of weight loss. I did it once before and maintained my goal weight for 2 years. During that time I still really never noticed how much different I looked to others. I could tell that I didn't hate the way my clothes fit but that was about the only difference. Now when I see pictures from a…
  • Good morning! I'm new here myself and have the same fears as you. I've decided that time for no more excuses. I love the saying you can make excuses or you can get results but you can't do both! Good luck on your journey! Shari