New and nervous

Good morning,

I am new to this and after failing at multiple different attempts, I thought I had nothing to lose by trying this.

I am 37 (almost 38), from Ottawa and in need to get myself healthy / in shape. I am extremely good at motivating myself OUT of doing what I should do. I need a kick - start in the right direction.

I am really looking forward to getting to know people on here and helping each other on this bumpy road.

I hope to talk to y'all soon.

Thank you for listening / reading :)


  • shariklasse
    shariklasse Posts: 5 Member
    Good morning! I'm new here myself and have the same fears as you. I've decided that time for no more excuses. I love the saying you can make excuses or you can get results but you can't do both! Good luck on your journey!

  • Welcome aboard and you've come to the right place for support! Feel free to add me!
  • HI!

    Im new! And I realized this whole time I've been scared of failure so I just didnt try! But Im done with not being healthy! Just want to say hello to all of you and good luck!!

    Im in a foreign country right now and find it especially hard to be in shape I live with a host mom who cooks everything! So if you got some pointers for abroad healthy eating I'm all ears!


  • bostonbound85
    bostonbound85 Posts: 38 Member
    Welcome! Best of luck to you!!! :)
  • I am also new to this site! What I did is found a couple friends to join with me to keep me honest AND motivated. I am good at giving up quickly when I don't see results too. I think we have all come to the right place!
  • Flip_4
    Flip_4 Posts: 2's nice to see the support here already. Thank you so much. I'm hoping that this time, I can actually get and stay on track. :)

    This place rocks!!!!