Hi MyFitnessPal Friends! I have the calorie counting down pat but I really could use some advice on what kind of excerise is working for people to show a decrease in weight! I am not great at staying focused with running. I am a single mom with a toddler and can't bring her to the gym with me.. So things I can do in my apt, on my own, would be great! I have some beachbody videos, the 30 day shred video, and an elliptical knockoff in my apartment, I just don't know where to start. Seeing a difference within a week or two would really help me on this weightloss journey... I'm having trouble with a kickstart. Help please :)


  • khrys1
    khrys1 Posts: 444 Member
    Cardio will show you weight loss results the quickest- all of those DVDs look great, and the elliptical burns about 10 calories a minute, so you can burn a lot in a little time. Eventually add strength training/weights as well. Good luck!
  • MrsSWW
    MrsSWW Posts: 1,585 Member
    Billy Blanks Tae-Bo dvds, you can either order them or download - you get a really good workout that shows results quickly!
  • nlobaugh
    nlobaugh Posts: 2 Member
    I agree that Tae Bo will help you see weight loss quickly. You will lose more inches than pounds with 30 Day Shred.
  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member
    Honestly- I would recommend dropping the "workout" concept altogether and find an activity you enjoy- schedule park time with the baby, or something similar- start with 10 or 20 minutes at a specific time of day and build up. Play games or go for a walk- esp while its nice. And if you can't make it out for that particular session then resort to the DVD's or the elliptical. A workout plan that has to be crammed into your life is going to be the first things to go when your life hits an ultra busy patch- but something you enjoy - like quality time with your kid- that's going to be something you hang on to for longer.
  • It sure is frustrating at the beginning, but you have all the tools. Since you have the 30 Day Shred, start there. Join a support group in the community on here for the 30DS and track all your food. The 30 Day Shred will only take 20 or so minutes of your day. I do it at night, but you could also hit it in the morning when the kids are asleep. Another great way to get motivated is a good power walk. I'm talking fast pace, getting your heart rate up. Most important... Make some friends on here. Everyone is very supportive!
  • AWESOME, Ladies!! Thank you! I will get the tae-bo vids too. Have any of you lost weight by doing solely videos? Is the gym a must, like it seems to be?
  • Walking works! If it's not too hot, put the baby in a stroller and just start walking. Or , it it's too hot out, like it is here, I'm doing the Leslie Sansone Walk at home video series. I love it! One vid has five different walk/aerobic workouts on it. I do a different one each day, to mix it up a little and keep my metabolism from getting too comfortable.

    On Thursdays i do the bootcamp video. It's a real workout!
  • I'm doing 30 day shred from Jillian Michaels. I saw results by the time I was 10 days in. It's only 20 mins, but it really works. I have a love/hate relationshipe with Jillian. I love the results she's getting me, but I hate her when I'm doing it :)
  • I started with aerobics first to drop weight.....20 minuted and above.....Built up till I could do 30 minutes x 3=MWF and I contined until I was at 6 days a week. Lost a very large amount of weight just doing that. I then increased time......60 or 70 minutes. This time in my journey I do 30 -40 minutes of circuit training and 45 minutes on the elliptical M, W, and Friday; the on Tue, Thur and Sat I do 55 minutes on the elliptical.
  • shariklasse
    shariklasse Posts: 5 Member
    I would say put your child in a stroller and walk. They love it and it get's you out and moving. I lost 40 pounds that way :) Well I was pushing a double stroller.
  • hannahcf
    hannahcf Posts: 64 Member
    I've never been to a gym and I'm losing weight (11lbs before joining MFP, as well as the 1lb showing on my ticker!) I go to a class once a week (aerobics) and use DVDS (class and DVDs are both Rosemary Conley, probably just in UK I think.) I run when I can but often I don't have time. So I do stuff with the kids - walks, yoga, football... and run up and down my stairs for 5 mins now and again (probably look like a mad woman but don't care!) And don't forget you can burn quite a few calories cleaning the house, just try and do some continuous stretches of vigorous cleaning, enough to raise your heart rate, rather than in 5 minute bursts. Good luck!
  • Walking outside with a stroller is how I initially lost my baby weight... My daughter is 3 now and she WILL NOT sit in a stroller or cart for that matter... I wish I had more money, then I could just take her to target and chase her around the store 3/4 days a week to lose weight. I can always find things I "need" at target :)

    In fact, I will look for the tae-bo vids and the walking videos next time I am there!
  • em1976
    em1976 Posts: 119 Member
    I use exercise tv, kendell is great for cardio workouts and the walking/scupt/shape are enjoyable.If your strapped for time they have tonne of small quick exercise programs.
  • I wonder if excercise tv in on demand? If not I will record the ones you suggested! thanks
  • cricketannie
    cricketannie Posts: 184 Member
    I have a 3 year old and a 6 year old, so exercising is kinda hard for me to figure out as well. I have been forcing myself (no matter how tired) to take a walk every day. My 6 year old rides her scooter along side me, and I pull my 3 year old in a wagon. Believe me, you get a great workout trying to keep your speed up while hauling a wagon behind you! I have just gotten started, as well, but I have already seen some results, so I know it's working!!! :) Best of luck to you!!
  • Can you go speed walking without the kids at night? Just a thought. You can control your speed better alone. Zone out on some music, and really enjoy your time alone. I think you kinda need it. I may take the dog to the dog park daily, but she stays home when I am walking for me. My kids are older and could come with, but they'd want to talk. lol I guess what I'm babbling on about is some "me time" to get you hooked on something.
  • SWEEET! the wagon is an AWESOME idea!
  • @hessteria, I live alone with my 3 year old. It is tough to do anything without her.
  • She is adorable!
  • Starting out full force is great but if you need to ease into getting active for a week or two you can start by doing some fun things. I dont usually watch tv, but when its to hot to do anything outside i will watch tv and during the commercials do some fun cardio... just to get your heart rate up... you can use basic areobic moves.... walk in place while pumping your arms.. etc. Then during the show you can do leg lifts, crunches, pushups, or whatever to help strenghten your muscles. If you dont know any exercises then you can just move your body however you want to get your heart pumping.

    also i have a 2 & 1/2 year old neice that i spend alot of time with and she loves to dance. So I will turn on some music and we will dance together... its bonding time and great exercise for you and your child.

    Every little bit counts!!! Just get active and have fun!