

  • well im no doctor, so you should listen to whatever your doctor says -- if you over exert yourself, you may end up on bed rest much long than just a week. Just think about how awesome your body will be when the week is over and you can start exercising again! that should pull you thru!
  • i used to let it get in the way, but then i decided to go natural, and fortunately, i have these nice curls coming in that i never knew about!! i cannot wait to be all natural and just wear my hair curly. I'm training for a 5k so I decided to let my hair go and I just wear it in a ponytail, once my body is looking right…
  • how tall are you?? im 5'5", weigh about what you do now, and my goal weight is 135. People always say to just pay attention to BMI and measurements!
  • Of course you can wear the nude heel! That is the way to go these days!! It will make you look simple yet refined!