

  • Just found this thread - Tuesday is my weigh in day - today is my 1st weigh in - I lost 9lbs woo hoo :bigsmile:
  • I know how that feels I am only on day two of my re-start. One thing that may help a little - try not to go on the scales for at least a week as we have fluctuations all the time you never know you might get a pleasant surprise?? Forgive yourself and carry on as before it will come back off.
    in Fed Up Comment by SarahL98 July 2011
  • Thanks I am going to do my best even going to the Gym on day 2!! Really it is familiarise myself with equiptment been years since I have been - i prefer other exercise - I walk the dogs and roller skate but I know I need extra. I do plan to swim too but NO way I am getting in a costume infront of others yet.
    in Newbie Comment by SarahL98 July 2011
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