
Hi Everyone,

Newbie here I am once again on Day 1 so trying to find ways to stick to it this time!! :blushing:

I have chosen to return to the atkins diets as for me personally this is the one that makes me feel the most healthy and ultimately shift the weight - I hope it will be the case again this time.

I have tried to alter my settings for my food diary although not sure I have done it correctly!

Will do my best to get here as often as possible. :smile:

Nice to meet you all


  • waterlily
    waterlily Posts: 55 Member
    Welcome! Good luck with your efforts!! YOU can do it!!
  • sparetirebegone
    sparetirebegone Posts: 92 Member
    Welcome! Support is key and you have come to the right place! Add me if you'd like and we can motivate each other!
  • capopend
    capopend Posts: 14
    You got this!
  • SarahL98
    SarahL98 Posts: 4
    Thanks I am going to do my best even going to the Gym on day 2!!

    Really it is familiarise myself with equiptment been years since I have been - i prefer other exercise - I walk the dogs and roller skate but I know I need extra. I do plan to swim too but NO way I am getting in a costume infront of others yet.