Fed Up

Hi Guys

I went away for 3 days and have come back 3 lbs heavier!!! (155 - 158.2)

It is now 3 days on and the scale has not come down. (I have been on or under 1300 each day)

How can it be so easy to put on weight but such a nightmare to get it off. It wasn't like I ate for Britain whilst I was away either. Looks like I will never be able to eat "normally" again ;o(((((

Now I won't be on target for Sunday at 155lbs and I feel gutted :o(((((


  • Jemmuno
    Jemmuno Posts: 413 Member
    I understand your frustration, and I don't think its so much about eating normally rather than eating in moderation. It's fine to eat the foods you love just watch your portion sizes.
  • xraychick77
    xraychick77 Posts: 1,775 Member

    everyone fluctuates in weight..i on occassion have been known to go up and down 5 lbs. its usually attributed to bloat and or bowel contents.

    and what is eating normally?
  • CARNAT22
    CARNAT22 Posts: 764 Member
    Sunday is still 4 days away hun!!

    Try to keep your diet as clean as possible for the next few days (but make sure you hit your calorie goal) also do some exercise, drink lots of water.

    Sometimes in the month us women are just "heavier" - I lose and gain a few lbs depending on where I am in my cycle!
  • Janice6331
    I have been there many times before. What has happened has happened. Just start again. Thats what i do. New day etc. Reset your target and stop feeling bad.
    Here are my 2 top tips!
    1. Eat low fat foods that contain carbs! For example i'm eating a lot of chicken and spaghetti hoops at the minute :o) not together of course. I stick to nimble bread as well. Fish is great as well.
    2. Accept that this will take time. Losing weight slowly is much more effective than trying to lose more than a lb a week.

    I was 9st 7 before i had my kids. I went up to 13st after i had them and i am now 10st after following no. 1 and 2.
  • Janice6331
    oh yes as Carnat22 says ...... excerise! Use the stairs. Do star jumps in front of the tv etc. Go for a walk. A little someething everyday will help.
  • FabiolaEnvy♥
    drink up!!!!

    trust me on this

    3 days out means 3 lbs means NEED WATER!
  • riverweed
    riverweed Posts: 10
    Heyya, I COMPLETELY understand your frustration! I went on a break and came back 8 pounds heavier! But it's been going down steadily for 3--4 days now, so give it abit more time and stick to a clean food plan with LOADS of water. Don't give up xx
  • SarahL98
    SarahL98 Posts: 4
    I know how that feels I am only on day two of my re-start.

    One thing that may help a little - try not to go on the scales for at least a week as we have fluctuations all the time you never know you might get a pleasant surprise??

    Forgive yourself and carry on as before it will come back off.
  • vivid2012
    vivid2012 Posts: 31
    I know how that feels I am only on day two of my re-start.

    One thing that may help a little - try not to go on the scales for at least a week as we have fluctuations all the time you never know you might get a pleasant surprise??

    Forgive yourself and carry on as before it will come back off.
    yup, just forgive yourself first.
  • katherines2230
    katherines2230 Posts: 276 Member
    Change your definition of eating "normally" :wink: I am by no means an expert but I'm pretty sure that your three pound gain is water weight and not fat. Things became much easier for me when I accepted that this is forever and that the reason I'm fat to begin with was because I was eating "normally". Hope things get easier for you!