dellroyy Member


  • You can actually use the exercise data base to calulate calories burned for your house work. So you could put in sedentary then add in the 7 hours of house work etc. But like wise you also seem to know you better (which is of course the case), so you can also judge it yourself. I would go for lightly active though if I…
  • If its a back muscle pain, I would get it seen to before doing more exercise. If you are twisting and jumping you could have pulled a muscle. If this continues to spasm you could end up in worse pain. It of course maybe nothing and you can continue. But after pulling a muscle in my back, i did not get it seen too. It took…
  • Are you breast feeding? Dont actually want to know the answer, but the additional calories required for "baby making" are nothing compared to the amount of Calories required for breast feeding. This added in with looking after the babdy as mentioned above, could have a massive difference.