kiwifebes Member


  • Sorry only just found you all!! I have done just 2100 (its now friday night here) and I'm off for a girls weekend this weekend so I'll try to do something more than drink wine and relaxing in the spa!!
  • Hi all. I'm (nearly) another pound down this morning so off to update my my weight. Very glad as I have really stuck to the plan this week. No dark choc at all!! It really makes a difference. Also lots of exercise- now I'm off to shred.
  • Netball was cancelled tonight because its raining- its also too wet to run so a night off for me. I should beable to have a good weekend though because we have a holiday on Friday so my hubby will be here to watch the kids while I go for lots of cycles and runs.
  • I have managed 3055 this week. Really pleased though- my duathlon was great. Next one is in 4 weeks so need to do lots of training before then. I don't enjoy the cycle leg!!! Who's up for next week??
  • 1835 now. Doing NMTZs this morning. I'll do a 5k run tomoorw and then have a rest day on saturday before the duathlon on sunday.
  • 1350 so far. Doing pretty well. I have my first duathlon on Sunday which is 1k run 10k cycle and then 3k run so should have a good burn that day. I need to have a rest day on saturday though it will still be a challenge to make 3500 for the week.
  • Just off for a cycle!! I'll go 15k tonight if it doesn't get too dark too quick. Should be over 500 cals to start me off.
  • 3556!!! Very pleased as I didn't think I would make it too 3500. I went for a cycle and run this morning and we will take the kids swimming in a few hours and I will go and do 10 or so laps to make up the last of my cals burned. Great challenge I'm up for it next week.
  • I need to burn 730ish cal tomorrow to get to the target of 3500. I'm planning a 35min cycle (10k) 20min run (3k) and then a 10 min swim 200-300m. I'm training for a triathlon so this is my normal sunday blitz and it takes me over by about 30cals. Bonus!!!!!
  • I'm 2188 now. Need to have a busy weekend!!! Am currently drinking my 3rd (and last) vod and sod.
  • Not sure I'll make 3500 as I'm burning about 450 per day. I do a 5k run one day and a Jillian DVD the next. I try to do something everyday. On the weekend I like to do a 10k cycle as well and a few lengths at the pool to up my burn. I might have to count walking and housework to make 3500!!! I'm in Christchurch NZ by the…
  • Right I haven't caught up with the thread yet but I wanted to up date. I have done 1772 exercise cals so far and just 3 days to go so I need to have a busy weekend!!
  • I've done 841 so far. I ran 30mins yesterday and did no more trouble zones by Jillian Michaels today (40 mins circuit training). I'll be running again tomorrow so right on target :)
  • I just did run 2 week 5 today and felt great. Looking forward to the next run but also a bit nervous.
  • I did week 3 run 1 tonight and I'm still buzzing. So proud of myself to run the 3 mins and it was easy!! I ran really slowly but found the time no problem. A couple of questions for you all- Do you run more than 3 times a week? Do you exercise in other ways in the week? Do you leave a day between runs? Do you stretch…
  • Sorry posted twice! I meant to say- I went off the pill and have lost nearly 4lbs since in just over a week. It definately makes you retain water! Natural family planning for me!
  • Helllloooo I also forget to check!! My running is going well. Up to run 3 week 2. My brother in law is joining me so its good company. I have had a little whoosh this week and have now lost 30kgs (4.5st) since starting IPD last June!!! I had about 6 months off too when I was travelling through Africa. Gone from a size 22…
  • Helllloooo I also forget to check!! My running is going well. Up to run 3 week 2. My brother in law is joining me so its good company. I have had a little whoosh this week and have now lost 30kgs (4.5st) since starting IPD last June!!! I had about 6 months off too when I was travelling through Africa. Gone from a size 22…
  • Hi I'm Fiona I am up to Run 3 Week 1 I haven't booked any race yet but my goal is to complete the city to surf (12k) run next year. I have been dieting (life style change) since January and have lost 29kgs. I have been wanting to start running for a while. I want to lose another 18kg or so and hope running will help with…
  • I have lost another pound this week!! I have started the c25k programme and loving it. I am having a rest day today exercise wise but I am twitchy I feel like I need to do something. I'm having a beef stir fry for dinner tonight so have been chopping vege. Hopefully it won't work out too carby. Thats a bonus finding…
  • I definately think I'll low carb for the rest of my life too. Once I'm at goal (2more st) I plan to stick to the food and just relax on wine and choc and flaxseed stuff so I maintain. I'll have occasional cheats for birthday etc but I can honestly say I don't miss bread, potatoes, rice, pasta, sugar etc so won't be…
  • Mmmmm that pork sounds good. We have pork stroganoff, meatloaf, roasts, curry stuff like that. That flatten chicken sounds good too. I do find the forum a bit weird sometimes but most people are very positive and helpful. I love MFP though. It rocks. Good to 'meet' you all.
  • Hi ladies can I join you. I have been IPDing for about a year and have lost 4st4lbs so pretty pleased but still have 2 st to go till my target and I have started stalling. I joined MFP 3 weeks ago which has helped shift another 5lbs but its still so slow. I exercise with Jillian Michaels DVDs about 4 times a week more if I…