

  • Just started Week 2 today..am off a little. It seemed kind of hard but the time went fast (if that makes sense). Looking forward to doing W2, D2 on Sunday.
  • Fantastic! I've just figured my BMR, TDEE, and cut and have just started it this past week. I feel like I'm eating tons, but I typically net just over my BMR. I'm working out more and feel good. I can't wait to see the scale go down. Even though it's just a week and I know I need to give it several to start seeing a…
  • Hi all...please check my numbers: I am 5'6", 160.5 lbs, 44 years old.. I used fitnessfrog.com to do my numbers (I looked at other sites, too, and they were all a little different but close). BMR - 1450 TDEE - 2248 Cut (15%) - 1920 , (20%) - 1798 I chose moderate activity level (had light but took the recommendation from…
  • Just finished W1, D2...found the minute(s) of running to go much faster mentally than D1. Nice to see that happen already. From past experience, I know different days will feel different. I'm excited to be 'done' for today. Happy running, everyone!
  • Thanks for the info. I am new to the concept of eating more to lose weight, but I am not new to the concept of eating way too much more (junk) and gaining weight. I have been eating way more calories, so I wasn't sure if I could just jump right in to zigzagging based on my TDEE/cut. I think I may just hold off on it for a…
  • Week 1, Day 1 complete. I have done this program before but haven't run in close to a year now so I'm starting over. It works!
  • Does anyone here zigzag calories based on TDEE? I found a site somewhere on these boards (brain dead as to exactly where but I think in this group somewhere...maybe not)...www.superskinnyme.com and it has a TDEE calculator and then an option for zigzagged calorie goals. I'm interested in this, but on the lower calorie day…
  • Even though now I'm just walking a few miles 3-4 times a week and doing light weights?
  • So excited to join this group and find this thread. Thank you for the info. I was an athlete in hs and college and never really worried about weight but gained in my adult life. I have been a crash dieter/binger, ugh. I'm ready to figure out how to do this for life. I looked at the fitness frog site and fat2fit to figure…