watcherII Member


  • the more the merrier, i always say :glasses:
  • i used to be an elder caregiver professionally. trust me, you get just as attached: your patients become your family. especially if you live-in. i also cared for my daddy through his terminal cancer, until his death, while i was raising a toddler son and a daughter in kindergarten. and i was the sibling "on the ground" for…
  • really? you are looking forward to laughing at your friends? question: how exactly are they being bad friends? and how are YOU being a friend to them? your friends have not changed, you have. hopefully, you can make it a positive change. your friends are doing the same thing they have always done, going out and enjoying a…
  • try second-hand or consignment stores. ladies who are closer to their goal weight can't wait to get rid of their heavier clothes, and you can get some great outfits. and some of the clothes are vintage, too. i'm in the beach cities of LA county, around here there is Aardvarks on artesia in Redondo, Second Time Around on…
  • i have a 32oz chugger bottle from rubbermaid that is my constant companion. it has a wide mouth, so i can fill it with ice, because i love my ice water. they also come in 20oz size, you can get them at target. when i'm craving something off-program, i have a cup of water with clear-mixing metamucil. after the hydration and…
  • it's not lame to want to look your best. yes, i want to lose weight for health reasons (lower my high blood pressure, avoid my family history of type 2 diabetes/heart disease) and to be around for my kids and future grandkids. i want to be able to live an active life without being out of breath and having no stamina. but…
  • i'm right there with you. i've learned a few tricks to help myself stay on track. first, i drink some ice water before i'll let myself snack. filling up my cup and sipping it through a straw are sometimes enough to sidetrack myself, so i don't even think about snacking. if i still want something, i sit and think about what…
  • welcome!! i think it's great that you want to change your lifestyle. that's what this is, a lifestyle change. you will change your relationship with food, and your approach to exercise, both for good. a good friend of mine had fibromyalgia, so i know a little about the challenges it brings. i would suggest that you talk to…
  • wow! congrats on your achievement!! i've worked on my feet for years now, and a few things have worked for me. advil helps with the pain, and reduces any swelling or inflamation. gentle massage works for calf muscles, use a good lotion or cream and rub it on in long, firm but gentle strokes. for feet, i have a strange but…
  • welcome!! i agree with the good tasting food, and the sweet tooth. but i love water, with lots of ice! try adding some lemon or lime juice, it helps. as for running, i admire you. i only run for 2 reasons, to save one of my kids from harm, and, y'know, zombies. :) feel free to add me!
  • okay. your daily calorie allowance is the calories your body needs to function and still lose weight. when you exercise, you burn some of those calories, so you need to eat more to replace them so your body has enough calories to function. daily allowance cals minus cals burned equals net calories. when your net calories…
  • it's not that hard of work, my dear! you'll find that eating healthy is quite tasty, and you'll start looking forward to exercise, believe it or not. welcome, and feel free to add me! i know you'll do great!
  • welcome! feel free to add me, you'll find great people here who can encourage and inspire you!
  • welcome back! remember, a setback is NOT failure! it's like learning to ride a bike, sometimes you fall off, but you get right back on. you're learning a new skill here, too, and sometimes you might fall. big whoop. :D feel free to add me, it would be fun to motivate and encourage each other!
  • score!!
    in NSV!!! Comment by watcherII August 2011
  • i know how you feel. just remember, an unhealthy eating day is just that, just a day. a setback is not failure. every day is a new chance to make smart choices. as for exercise, try something different and fun. playing in the park with your kid, splashing in the waves at the beach, playing frisbee, going dancing...all…
  • hi! ya'll are welcome to add me!
  • welcome! i can relate to the being too tired to want to workout. i'm a crossing guard, and the last thing i want to do after my shift of walking for a living is to do more walking! one thing you can do is get a pedometer, and wear it at work. i'll bet you're getting more exercise than you think! as for meals during your…
  • water, water, water, especially if you have upped your exercise routine. for every 20 mins. you exercise vigorously, you should drink an cup of water. that's on top of your usual water intake. fiber, fiber, fiber, from whole grains and fruits and vegies, it's great for everything, from filling you up so you don't feel…
  • breakfast is key, both to health and weight loss. start small, like a handful of grapes, a yogurt, or some toast. then build up to a small healthy breakfast. i know how you feel, i am not hungry in the mornings either. well, i wasn't before. i just started making myself some breakfast, and eating it, no matter what. now i…
  • as in almost all things these days, "there's an app for that!" you can get mfp as an app on your smartphone, so you can log your meals wherever you are. or, like the above posters said, keep a little notebook with you and jot it down. or, make a memo on your smartphone for your food intake, and transfer it to your log at…
  • welcome! i love this site for the reasons you stated. i was on another site, but had to add 50-80% of my food to their database, and it became a chore. mfp is so much better! feel free to add me!
  • welcome back! feel free to add me!
  • welcome! feel free to add me!
  • Happiness is a choice. much like what to eat and whether to work out, you also need to make smart choices in how you see your world. sounds simplistic and unrealistic, but choosing how you respond to life and it's many twists and turns can bring a change in your emotional well-being. that's my philosophy, anyway. hope you…
  • welcome! glad you're here! check your friend requests! :)
  • once i entered an exercise or food, i just had to click on "add exercise/food" and it was listed there. click the box, hit add, and voila!