Veggychick Member


  • Wow! You look amazing!!! Great job :)!!
  • Pam, 8 lbs in 2 months is great! Remind yourslef that losing weight is not an instant thing. You will reach your goal as long as you are eating right and working out. Some people can lose weight very fast and then palto and other have to wait a little linger. You have done great so far :)!!! Be proud of yourself for…
  • Wow! You have been doing great!!! Good job :) If you keep up your hard work your goal will be here in no time! And you will continue to see the positive changes.
  • I am not sure if working that way will work for most people but I used to train for marathons, so I was running between 10 and 20 miles once a week and doing nothing during the week and still lost weight. Maybe burning a ton of calories at once helps?
  • Hello! I have been vegetarian about the same :) It is easy to have weight slowly kreep up on you. But it is not impossible to lose it! My problem as a vegetarian is with the bread and cheese! I just can't say no to it hah ... so that is why I gained the weight I don't want. I hope that after being a "healthy" vegetarian I…
  • :happy: Hello Cindy! Welcome! This site is very helpfull and there are many people here to help keep you motivated and on trake with your goal :) Good luck, stay focused and if I can be of any help, let me know!
  • You really want to make sure you have plenty of food you will eat. I always make sure to stock up on fruit, veggies, some kind of grain like brown rice or quinoa, protein (I am a veggie so tofu for me but any lean meat will do). And healthy snacks like carrots, yogurt, crackers. You can make many great recipes with this…
  • Hello! How long have you been working at getting in shape?? Are you vegetarian :)!
  • Welcome :)!! You can do this!