

  • I have a question out there for all of you. I am up to walking 20 to 25 minutes a day now. I am increasing this by a few minutes every couple of days. What kind of strength training can I start with that I could handle at first? I have lost 11.8 pounds since I started really paying attention, but want to lose a total of at…
  • hair loss and muscle loss can be caused by not eating enough protein. You have to have the protein to survive so you start utilizing the available protein....muscle. same thing happened to me and my doc said to add chicken and fish, almonds and walnuts.
  • Wow! Congratulations!! 16 in 4 weeks is amazing! I will be looking forward to your organic receipes! I will try cutting out the processed foods too and hope for the best! At least I will get exercise cutting up foods and scrubbing the veges!!
  • I really have good intentions of getting away from the desk, but phone starts ringing, emails pop up, and it seems I am always behind anyway, so it reinforces me just staying at my desk and eating lunch there! more...I am determined to break the habit of sitting and working through all breaks and lunch... I also…
  • I really appreciate all the interest! It makes me feel like I have a whole group of like minded individuals helping me along!
  • Thanks for the encouragement....very appreciated!!!