Hair Loss and Losing Muscle

Fermina70 Posts: 7
edited September 23 in Introduce Yourself
I am a little depressed. I paid a visit to my doctor to express some concerns. I started my counting calorie diet in October and lost 20 lbs. by mid-December. Two pounds a week...not unhealthy, right? Well, about three or four weeks ago (maybe more), I started losing my hair, especially in the shower and my urine has turned a dark yellow color. I don't drink anything BUT water so you can understand my concern.
So the visit to the doctor today confirmed that yes, my hair loss is because of my diet, which my doctor says may have been too aggressive. The color of my urine is because there were traces of protein and myoglobin found. He explained that myoglobin appears in urine because of muscle loss...also because of my diet.
I am now freaking out. Why is this happening all because I am trying to better myself by eating healthier??? Has anyone experienced this and do you have any advice...


  • sabrinafaith
    sabrinafaith Posts: 607 Member
    what are you eating? are you eating a balanced diet of whole grains, fruits, vegetables, dairy, fish, poultry, and meat? or did you cut out entire food groups? are you eating your exercise calories?
  • ratkaj
    ratkaj Posts: 166 Member
    I don't have advise, but I'm so sorry... good luck!
  • Davis713
    Davis713 Posts: 124 Member
    BUMP! The same thing is happening to me, but I have not discussed this with my Doctor....I should though. I think I will call tomorrow and talk to the nurse.

    I have lost 40lbs since october 1st and I have not cut anything drastic just cutting portion size!
  • gryfin
    gryfin Posts: 10 Member
    i don't have any experience or advice, but i wanted to give you some support. everyone's body is a bit different and may require more or less of minerals and nutrients. many years ago, i experienced hair loss and a few other skin issues that were related to not getting enough zinc. i wasn't even dieting and thought i ate pretty healthy at the time.
    i hope someone is able to shed light on this for you.
  • Cbandelier
    Cbandelier Posts: 217 Member
    I know that not eating enough fat can lead to hair loss. Not sure how much fat you eat, you might want to look into it.
  • AnnaPixie
    AnnaPixie Posts: 7,439 Member
    Your Doctor or the people on MFP needs to look at your diet. It may be healthy to you, but it may not be healthy at all!!

    Everyone's perception of 'healthy' can be very different.

    Immediately I would say that a woman of your size, with very little to lose, shouldn't be losing 2lbs per week!! Search the forums for the posts where you should lose less per week as your body tried to hold on to the little fat reserves it has left.

    But anyway, if I were you, I'd listen to your Dr and be less 'aggessive'.

    Good luck :flowerforyou:
  • luv2ash
    luv2ash Posts: 1,903 Member
    Yes, my hair is falling out as well--due to my weight loss--but am told it will get better, and it has because I started taking Biotin.
  • elid
    elid Posts: 209 Member
    I am very sorry. :frown: That's terrible news.

    I am not a doctor or any kind of health care professional, but from what I have learned: Two pounds a week is most realistic if you are starting out very heavy (think morbidly obese). Otherwise, it's not going to be healthy. How much did you weigh at the start? I don't know what kind of things you eat or how many calories you eat, but it's very possible that you're not eating enough. You also might not be getting enough nutrition, which is why most nutrition guidelines say you shouldn't eat below 1200 calories a day; if you eat too little, you're at risk for malnutrition, not to mention weakness and slowing of your metabolism.

    I can't see your diary, but if you think that sounds like you, I recommend *slowly* (like adding 100 more cals every 3 days) ramping up your calories until you are eating at least 1200 calories a day. Eat a well balanced diet of fruits, vegetables, and proteins. Taking a multivitamin supplement with one meal a day might help you too.
  • katmarsc
    katmarsc Posts: 118 Member
    My hair was falling out due to stress from a surgery I had last March. It took about 6 mos before I noticed it stopping, i wish I could say it has grown back, but it hasn't as of yet. It has grown but no growth back to where it has fallen out. Then in December when I started here I noticed my hair breaking/falling again, not in the mass amount I experienced before but enough for me to notice. I asked the same question here last month, and someone advise that my diet was too low in protein... Honest to goodness, once I added more protein to my diet it has stopped, It looks shiny and healthy... not a doctor, but I would suggest adding protein, walnuts were also recommended...
    Keep me posted...
  • Can I see your diary?
  • Wow..sorry I don't have any advice, but I hope you find out what's going on with your body soon. I know anything to do with your health can stress you out. I agree with the other post, look thru your diet and see if there is anything your not consuming, or consuming to little of. Maybe you can give the doctor a list of what you have changed and maybe that can pin point it. Good luck !
    Keep us posted :)
  • Just realized you were new....... but yes this was a combination of aggressiveness and probably fat shortage. You need plenty of fats and cholesterol to maintain proper steroid/hormone/marker levels. I would also suggest lifting a little weights if you were just doing cardio and consuming ~100g of protein.
  • luv2ash
    luv2ash Posts: 1,903 Member
    I am wondering what made your doctor test for myoglobin. It is not a routine chemical that is analyzed on routine urine tests???? do you happen to know why he tested for this? I work for a urologist, and I have never even heard of this test, but will be researching it later tonight if I find time. Everyone loses 2 pounds a week consistently---even myself. I know one thing, I have not lost muscle. I am losing fat and gaining a lot of muscle as I continue to work out. Even my kids, family and friends are noticing the muscle (yea, I am a bit proud of myself for this). I am going to follow this thread and see what else I can learn
  • You are all welcome to view my diary. Not sure how to do that, though. :cry:
  • hair loss and muscle loss can be caused by not eating enough protein. You have to have the protein to survive so you start utilizing the available protein....muscle.
    same thing happened to me and my doc said to add chicken and fish, almonds and walnuts.
  • elid
    elid Posts: 209 Member
  • elid
    elid Posts: 209 Member
    You are all welcome to view my diary. Not sure how to do that, though. :cry:

    To display your diary, up at the top, click the "Food" tab. Under that, click "Settings". Scroll to the bottom of the page, and you'll see your diary settings. :smile:
  • I am very sorry. :frown: That's terrible news.

    I am not a doctor or any kind of health care professional, but from what I have learned: Two pounds a week is most realistic if you are starting out very heavy (think morbidly obese). Otherwise, it's not going to be healthy. How much did you weigh at the start? I don't know what kind of things you eat or how many calories you eat, but it's very possible that you're not eating enough. You also might not be getting enough nutrition, which is why most nutrition guidelines say you shouldn't eat below 1200 calories a day; if you eat too little, you're at risk for malnutrition, not to mention weakness and slowing of your metabolism.

    I can't see your diary, but if you think that sounds like you, I recommend *slowly* (like adding 100 more cals every 3 days) ramping up your calories until you are eating at least 1200 calories a day. Eat a well balanced diet of fruits, vegetables, and proteins. Taking a multivitamin supplement with one meal a day might help you too.

    I am 5'1" and weighed 135 lbs. when I started my diet. I eat fruits almost on a daily basis, lots of vegetables, and my chicken and turkey. After thinking about what you said, 2 lbs may have been too aggressive...but I will admit, when I started this, my calorie intake was from anywhere between 900 - 1000 a day. I have now increased my intake to 1300 - 1400. Good, right??
  • Can I see your diary?

    I have made my diary available. :wink:
  • sabrinafaith
    sabrinafaith Posts: 607 Member
    Number 1, considering your weight, you need to eat about 60-70 grams of protein A DAY
    Number 2, you need about 25 grams of fiber a day as well
    Number 3, except for the day you ate pizza, you are not eating enough fat. you need to eat things like salmon, avocado, peanut butter, almonds, etc... its just all about moderation.
    Your body is telling you that what you are doing isn't healthy, which is why your hair is falling out.
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