Hi! I have read if you crave sweets to have more natural sweets instead like make smoothies or other natural things. It has helped me alot. More fruits equal less sugar cravings. I use to eat lots of candy a day. I try to do a smoothie 1st in morning. Helps me through the day not have tge urges.
jtsmith, Congratulations on meeting goal 1... That is awesome! Keep up the good work :)
Yes...people complain constantly and do nothing about it. How about people should not complain constantly if they are not going to fix their weight problem.
Hi Mike, I have a App on my phone called VirtuaGym that has virtual exercise.
Hi, It does get harder as we approach a closer mark to our weight loss goals. Make sure you are doing Strength Training as well as cardio. If you are doing quite a bit of strength training then you may be building muscle and muscle always outweighs fat.
You could also try it with Brown Rice Pasta. Use regular Velveeta but just portion it out and not eat the whole pot of it :)