LisaKunz Member


  • I wear my fitbit all day except when I ride my bike at night. I log my bike ride in MFP. But then MFP takes AWAY some of the calories I earned throughout the day from the fitbit! I have that calorie deficit thing turned off. What's up??
  • I'm at 57 pounds lost, and I'm having a hard time with that, too. Just this weekend I took a pair of my new capris out of the dryer and thought they were my college-age skinny daughter's. They weren't. They were mine. Then I thought, "Oh crap. I shrunk them." Nope. They fit great. Also, last weekend I ordered some new…
  • This is helpful to me, too. How does one learn how to do these stretches?
  • I did it. 50-some pounds and 4-5 pants sizes, from a tight size 20 to 10's & 12's.
  • Zippy displayed a MONSTER (looked like a dead pac-man spider - 8 legs and x's for eyes) at me after my quick mile lunch-break walk today! I expected a big happy-face. The fitbit guys on facebook tell me he might show up now and again, and that there's nothing to fear...he's friendly. Friendly my shrinking-@$$! Pretty…
  • My uterus fell out while doing Jillian's 30 DS. Pulled the bladder down with it. Now 4 months post surgery. Very embarrassing to go to the doctor and tell them that I had parts hanging out...
  • I would guess the fit is not right and your heel is slipping more than it should. I've never had that problem, and one of my feet is slightly smaller than the other so I know that one slips a bit. I wear Asics. Maybe for your next pair, go to a good running store and have them analyze your feet and your gait and see what…
  • I just licked my computer screen...
  • This is why you should always run with a partner, and make sure they're slower than you. ;)
  • waaaaaah. :'( I didn't get anything. I keep reminding myself that I lost 65 pounds without one...I don't NEED one. (But I want a Polar FT7 like crazy.)
  • I struggle with it, too. I made an appointment with a counselor, but had to cancel because insurance won't pay for it and I can't afford it. I just don't understand. Mostly I do so well, but if I come across something good (like homemade cookies), I inhale them before I even have a chance to think about it. It's not the…
  • I know I SHOULD work out on those big days, but it was going to be hard. YOU, my friend, just sealed the deal for me with your endorphins comment. My body, and probably my family, thanks you. :)
  • What is air biking? Pedaling your feet while sitting on your chair? I lost my first 10 pounds by just getting up and walking around during my morning and afternoon breaks. I walked and did stairs for 15 minutes, twice a day. Then I added 30 minutes at lunch. Other ideas: Stand while you work as much as possible - this may…
  • Pee, other if possible, shower, shave, cut finger and toe nails, tweeze eyebrows, blow nose, dry hair, pee again, then weigh.
  • My husband folds the laundry. He now puts all of my stuff in my daughter's basket (she's 18 and a size 3!) because he doesn't recognize my smaller size clothes. I was laughing about that and folding laundry last weekend when I came across a pair of jeans and thought, "Whose are THESE?!??" I looked at the tag and they were…
  • I've ADDED a food group: fresh fruits & vegetables. And I've also added whole grains to the carbs group.
  • Yep. Truly. Like an alcoholic or druggie or something. Hard to see myself ever beating it... One day at a time, as they say, right?
  • I still feel fat, too. :(
  • After you've been doing this a while, you will come to recognize portion sizes and be able to make a more educated guess. As far as actual calories, just search the database until you find something that you think might be close. You should be able to sort of guess what's in it a cream-based sauce? Lots of…
  • I have a desk job, too. All day long...9 hours a day. I drink a lot of water, so I need pretty frequent bathroom breaks. I use the bathroom on the floor upstairs, or I'll even walk over to another one of our buildings to go. I'll do the stairs a couple of extra times in that trip. It really only takes a couple of minutes…
  • Yes, you can. However, in my case, I've found that the more frequently I have treats, the more I CRAVE them. I haven't eliminated anything from my diet, just tried to bring it under control. But the unhealthy, carb, sugar and fat-laden foods make me want MORE!! So pretty soon my once-a-week treat turned into twice a week.…
  • It has more than "helped." It's the only reason I've made it this far and am still going strong. I've battled an eating disorder of one sort or another my whole life. I would have given up 52 pounds ago when I had my first "fail" if it wasn't for these friends to kindly knock me upside the head and reassure me that 4 candy…
  • My PF story is long and similar to above posts so I won't tell it. But the final healing thing was rest. I ended up in a cast/crutches/wheelchair for a couple of weeks, and then a full walking cast for 3 months. Basically didn't do any exercising, including walking the dog, for another year after the cast came off. I…
  • I've noticed this, too. Was losing consistently, both inches and pounds until I added lifting to my workouts (which always include some amount of cardio). Now I've stalled in both. I'm getting stronger - I can lift more than when I started, but my weight & measurements have plateaued. It's been a hard to not be…
  • Done. whew. more of a work-out than I expected it to be!
  • THANKS!!! These are PERFECT!! I don't have enough room to do planks behind the wall, but this will be just the thing!!
  • Not sure what exactly an overhead tricep extension is... but just yesterday I was looking for something I could do at work to get me up and away from my desk...(I have a wall I can step behind so nobody sees me)...hmmm... nothing really heavy around here... but I'll give it a shot!
  • Oh most definitely!!! It was so frustrating for me at first at the fitness center... I didn't know what I was doing, and I could hardly get any of the fellow work-outers to help me! (the staff was not always there). Now, the same guys that were absolute JERKS to me won't leave me alone!! One told me the other day, "We…
  • Oh we most definitely ALL have "bad" food days. Sometimes it's too many sweets, sometimes too many carbs, sometimes too many calories, sometimes not enough calories, sometimes not enough healthy foods, sometimes a plain ol' binge...if we were perfect, we wouldn't be here. Opening your diary is just another way of letting…