

  • Deep fried BACON is pretty darn good.
  • I had the VSG in Nov 2011. At my 1 year checkup, I had lost 90 pounds. I have reached my doctors goal. Every one has their own personal reasons as to "why" they do what they do. For those of you who lose the excess weight by diet and exercise-I commend you. It is hard to stay focused long enough to accomplish that. For…
  • LOL, maybe we all have (had) the same 3 friends that unfriended us.
  • CONGRATULATIONS TO YOU FOR LOSING 60 POUNDS SO FAR!!! And don't let those jerks discourage you, you keep on doing what you are doing to get yourself healthier. We should all be here (and at the gym) helping each other, not knocking somone down.
    in Vent Comment by Knee2010 September 2012
  • Thanks, I will stop by the sports/shoe store tomorrow after work.
  • Had my right knee replaced in Feb 2010 and my ortho said no running. However I am training to walk a 1/2 marathon in Nov and he said I could do this one so I can take it off my bucket list, but not to do another one. I am 50 and my doc said he would like to have to replace my replacement only once.
  • I heat up refried beans and put the beans, canned chicken, grated cheese and hot sauce on a chalupa shell (or a crispy taco shell). yum.
  • In Jan 2009 I wrecked a motorcycle, almost lost my left hand and tore up my right leg. I had 2 different surgeons who made me the bionic woman with all the metal/hardware they had to use to put me back together again. The doc was very up front about my leg, he said his repair work was just a temporary bandaid/fix, that…
  • I wrecked a motorcycle in Jan 2009 and tore up my right leg pretty bad. Spent almost that entire year healing broken bones, learning how to walk again, had 3 surgeries on it and ended up having to do a total knee replacement. I still have lots of issues with that knee due to the extreme damage that was done from the…