

  • Wow! so your telling me I am more likely to get heart disease, diabetes and hypertension is I don't drink than if I do?? Really?? I guess when you through in the impact on my liver, my weight (based on the sugar in alcohol) and my mind (as alcohol is a depressant) I'm happy to take my chances as a happy and healthy…
  • Thanx for the feedback but what I was refering to was the attitudes of placing weight loss above health, and using examples of how taking that to the extreme is deadly. I am not aware of any study that links alcohol and cigarette consumption to healthy weight loss but each to there own :)
  • I guess it depends if your aiming to be thin our healthy. If the aim is just to thin there are plenty of unhealthy ways to do that- cigarettes and booze all round for a skinny coffin it seems ;)
  • patience, consistent hard work and protien have worked for me :)
  • keep doing what has worked for you to get 40lbs off and weigh yourself in 2 weeks time. Weight varies day to day, water retention, muscle gain, fluid, life all impact on weight in the short term. Are you also using measurements?
  • I agree- get rid of the scales. I had the same issue for many years until I got rid of my scales and now I weigh myself at the gym once a fortnight- so much better for my head and my attitude!
  • sounds like your body is in starvation mode and will therefore hold onto any fuel you put in it. I lose weight when I fuel my body enough to be active and feel well. I minimise sugar and salt. Maximise protien, exercise everyday, drink plenty of water and herbal tea, have carbs in moderation. I weigh myself once a…
  • Protien bars are relatively low in calories (140) but also fill me up. I also fill up on herbal tea- no calories!
  • I guess we can't get to where we wanna go if we don't know where we currently are! Great job in starting the journey. One step at a time will take you to your destination. I started my better life a few years ago now and have been at a healthy weight for about 3 years but this site is just helping me to reconnect with…
  • @bree2012. Obvioulsy it wasn't real as I haven't maintained it all! Some would be water retention.
  • I'm 5'6, and 66kg (132pds?) and aiming to lose about 7 pounds. I have found rather difficult to take this tool to literally as it is clearly a generic tool that works more effectively for those with large amounts to lose. I lost 5 pounds in my first week and then put on 1 pound in the last 2 weeks. I am going to use MFP as…
  • Just posted a similar frustration on FB! I lost 5 pounds in the first 5 days and now half of it is apparently back despite the fact that I feel great- strong and lean. I have only had 1 day above my recommended calory intake in 3 weeks and constantly get messages to eat more but this is not showing on the scales. I am…
  • Also completely agree! I have sat at the same weigh give or take a few pounds for the last three years, through half-marathon training, holidays, winters. This weight (66kg) is 1 kilo above my original goal weight and 2 kilos above my prefered weight. 66kg just seems to be the weight at which my body is at it's fittest,…
  • running- the longer the better
  • chocolate - i have a little bit everyday :)
  • chocolate- I have a little bit everyday, and peanut butter every so often. Everything in moderation so that a treat is really a treat!
  • Agree. Build your endurance first, then your fitness will allow quicker times, variety of workouts (tempo, hills, cross-training). Keep it interestingf and have fun! :)
  • My advice is to use common sense and listen to your body. I gain about 800-1000 calories/day due to excercise and I try to eat in accordance with what I feel my body needs. I don't consciously eat to get rid off calories, but I also recognise that my body needs more than 1200 calories to fuel it. I don't eat when I am not…
    in Dilemma Comment by zowgati August 2011
  • I find protein after a run is good for recovery, and carbs beforehand is good. I run early most mornings and just have water before I go and then have a protein shake for breakfast. I have porridge or peanut butter on toast/muffin maybe once a week for a change and have pancakes and fruit for sunday brunch before doing a…
  • I notice it at on my legs, but and stomachabout 5kg (11pds?) but it takes other longer for others to notice!
  • I've been told not to repeat strength work within 24 hours, but not to wait more than 72hours to get best results. If you push your damaged muscles too hard too often you may risk injury.
  • I don't think it matters as long as you are consistent. I am weighing myself every 2 days to keep me motivated but realise the scales are not the best measurment (measuring is!) because of the inconsistent effect of fluid etc. I have found that I actually weigh less after exercise than before it- so that helps me get out…
  • I find it really useful to not have junk food in the house period, so when unasailable cravings kick in there just is no easy option! I know that's not always possible so if there is junk in the house I try at make it as inaccessable as possible. Bottom line though, there is junk food everywhere (I can always just go to…
  • My advice would be to run a few 5km+ before the race so when you stand at the starting line you know the distance won't be a problem. Hopefully you can then enjoy the process and the achievement- have fun!