

  • I adjusted my work schedule to ensure I had time to work out. I've taken a cooking class to learn how to cook healthy and not just frozen meals. I spent $400 on a gym membership and go 4 times a week... I assure you I'm serious about this. I don't expect immediate results, I just want to change my jeans! 3 lbs doesn't seem…
  • My makeup is too expensive to waste at the gym but I have cute capri pants and a clean t-shirt. I don't match exactly, but I don't look ridiculous either....
  • Thank you all for your imput, support and help. Sorry I didn't provide enough info at first... Thanks so much for your time! I'll tweak some things and see how things improve. Thanks for your time!
  • More info: I'm 5'0" 159 - eating 1200 (+ workout cals on workout day). Goal weight 125.
  • My diet is really healthy, yogurt, fruit, veggies, lean meats, whole grains, salads... Not to say I never eat something bad but it's so limitied that it's really not concerning. I've gone over my calories maybe twice in this 6 weeks and only by like 200 cals, not 1000! I do eat back my cals on workout days but I'm hungry,…
  • That's the same reason I have wanted to weigh myself, I don't want to be discouraged! I've been doing so great with 2 hours of cardio + some strength training (1 muscle group each time I work out). My calories have been at or below my target but the scale has barely moved! I just want to change my jeans! So frusrating! Do…
  • I've been doing the elliptical for 30 min 4 x a week for the past 5 weeks - I'm not bulking at all, my cellulite is vanishing before my eyes. I LOVE the elliptical!
  • You could be gaining muscle. In my experience it was about 5 weeks before I saw results on the scale. Be patient. Sounds like you're doing the right thing. Keep up the hard work!
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