For the love of God why can't I get the same answer twice?

For 6 weeks now I've been at or under my calories (except maybe a few over on weekends once or twice, not much though). I work out 4 days a week - 33 minutes on the elliptical and then strength training a different muscle group on each of those 4 days. I have lost only 3 lbs. I think I've lost inches but I didn't measure (oops). Regardless, I haven't dropped a size. Is this normal to have none or very little progress? I have 35 lbs to lose. I've been doing so good! It's so frustrating! They say slow down to the 'fat burning zone' another says, zones are BS. They say workout longer than 30 minutes on the elliptical another says 30 minutes is plenty. Or it's the strength training that's got you stuck, otheres say no strength training helps burn calories. For the love of God why can't I get the same answer twice? Who do I ask for real answers? Can anyone guide me here on where to turn? Thank you so much!


  • Mollydolly10
    Mollydolly10 Posts: 431 Member
    What and how much are you eating??? Looks like you may need to turn your attention to your diet.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I can only relate my experience. I had about 30 lbs to lose (I think, not really sure what my "ideal" weight is). I started exercising regularly and cutting out the weekend pizza fests in January. It was a good month before I saw any movement, but once I did I started losing pretty regularly. So the only advice I have is stick with it. If you are eating less calories than you consume your body can't hold on to that wieght forever.

    If you really think there is a problem you might want to see your doctor and get your thyroid checked as this can inhibit weight loss big time!
  • rishjay81
    have u ever tried the b12 injections
  • Sasha_Bear
    Sasha_Bear Posts: 625 Member
    What and how much are you eating??? Looks like you may need to turn your attention to your diet.

    Yep what she said kind of hard to offer suggestions without being able to see your diary.
  • ErrataCorrige
    ErrataCorrige Posts: 649 Member
    And 33 minutes at what level on the elliptical. If you take it easy and only burn 200 cals for 30 minutes, it is not enough. Have you thought about an HRM?

    Otherwise I agree. It would be worth a trip to the doc to have your hormone levels checked.
  • MayhemModels
    MayhemModels Posts: 367 Member
    Yep, I'm curious as to what and how many calories you are consuming per day
  • FoamyRiver
    FoamyRiver Posts: 276 Member
    Are you eating your exercise calories or are you working out like a fiend but only eating your usual calorie allowance?
    TNGURL Posts: 89 Member
    How much do you weigh? How many calories are you eating & what are you eating...etc?? Need more info please... perhaps we can help (=
  • lucyobrien
    My diet is really healthy, yogurt, fruit, veggies, lean meats, whole grains, salads... Not to say I never eat something bad but it's so limitied that it's really not concerning. I've gone over my calories maybe twice in this 6 weeks and only by like 200 cals, not 1000! I do eat back my cals on workout days but I'm hungry, I have to. Should I show my diary to a dietician?
    I can stick with it... I've been so patient but here on week 6 with no change I'm exhausted.... I didn't expect lightening fast results but by now? Maybe it is my thyroid? I've never done serious weight loss before.. never needed to. But I'm older now and quit smoking 7 mos ago... I'm at a total loss for what to try next. I feel good if that's any consolation. Thanks so much for answering my post : )
  • kathleennf
    kathleennf Posts: 606 Member
    Well, there's not really enough info here to give a complete answer. We would need to know about how much you weigh, how much you want to lose, and what you are eating. Having said that, I have a few comments.

    The calculation on MFP is an estimate and an average based on an average person, and you might have to tweak it a little to get it to work for you. The calories burned depend on your metabolism, your activity level etc. One thing you can do it review your activity level and see if it really fits. I read recently that about 60% of the US population now has a job that is classified as "sedentary" - that's possibly a big part of the obesity epidemic. See if you need to bump your activity down one level.

    The other thing is to really double check your serving sizes. I got burned on that a lot. I don't weigh my food but I am pretty careful about reviewing and if necessary overestimating the serving size.

    3lb in 6 weeks is half a pound a week- which is not all that bad.It means you are running a calorie deficit of about 250 per day. If you are near your goal weight (only have 10-15lb to lose) it will be harder for the weight to come off. Otherwise just maybe you need to drop your calories a little to make it really work for you.

    Hope that helps!
  • lucyobrien
    More info: I'm 5'0" 159 - eating 1200 (+ workout cals on workout day). Goal weight 125.
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    If it doesn't seem to be working for you, try changing things up - your diet may need revamping or more diversity. Are you logging everything you eat? Getting too much sodium? Try making a few subtle changes. The same goes for your work out. Change it up - if 30 minutes isn't getting the job done try bumping it up to 35 or 40 for a bigger calorie burn. Or try something other than the elliptical, hop on the treadmill, take a brisk walk, invest in a fun exercise DVD. working out 4 time a week is good!...but maybe go for 5...even if it's just walking on that 5th work out.

    I'm a big stickler for consistency but even I admit you do need to change things up and try new things every so often...keeps the body guessing. Best of luck to you!
  • butterfly81106
    I have had the same problem after 3 weeks. I was fully discouraged at losing 4 lbs only to gain 2 lbs again. Discouraged, that is, until I measured and found inches lost (even though I didn't feel it in my clothes) and realized my body fat had dropped too. Cheer up- you are becoming a healthier you and that takes time.
  • kathleennf
    kathleennf Posts: 606 Member
    Just saw your last post. Well - losing weight when we are older is doubly or triply hard! It's good that you feel good - that's the most important! That and the fact that you quit smoking- MAJOR WTG!!
  • Kenny_K
    Kenny_K Posts: 12 Member
    Sometimes it is like that, you work out a lot and diet well and you still don't see the results you want. I remember when I got down close to my goal weight and I only had 30pds to go, it was the hardest thing ever. I find the less you have to lose the harder it is to get that off. In my case I got so frustrated that I gave up, and now I have to lose 65pds to reach my goal weight.

    The point I'm trying to make is don't give up and don't let your frustration take you off your game. Maybe you have to do a few tweaks here and there to your diet or your exercise plan, but regardless, if you continue to exercise and eat within your allowed calorie intake then you will lose weight!

    If anything else contact your doctor.
  • Garrett1234
    Garrett1234 Posts: 147 Member
    There may not be one "right" answer. Everybody is a little different and what works for one person may not necessarily work for another. I would say try different things. If eliptical isn't getting it done, try walking, running, biking, etc. Eat differently. The important thing is keep at it, be honest with yourself about calorie intake, and try not to be discouraged. Who knows? Maybe you've put on muscle weight!

    Good luck!
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    That's a pretty good loss rate so far, so congrats!

    The fat burning zone is a myth - go as hard as you like.

    And strength training is incredible for improving your shape, increasing your metabolism, and generally upping your fitness level.
  • lucyobrien
    Thank you all for your imput, support and help. Sorry I didn't provide enough info at first... Thanks so much for your time! I'll tweak some things and see how things improve. Thanks for your time!
  • rodneyderrick
    rodneyderrick Posts: 483 Member
    You don't have any friends. Your profile is like a desert: no goals, no picture, nothing. Your page is an indicator that you're not really here to learn how to lose weight, but you want quick and spontaneous results. Three pounds, and I mean three whole pounds, is something. A suggestion, state your goals and reasons for wanting to lose weight, and then put up a picture and find a few friends, and the pounds will start to disappear.
  • lucyobrien
    I adjusted my work schedule to ensure I had time to work out. I've taken a cooking class to learn how to cook healthy and not just frozen meals. I spent $400 on a gym membership and go 4 times a week... I assure you I'm serious about this. I don't expect immediate results, I just want to change my jeans! 3 lbs doesn't seem like much to me but to others it is progress. This is why posted for imput, so thank you.