

  • I would suggest you change up your routine some! When you do cardio why don't you go in between running and sprinting. Run like half a mile, sprint a lap, then go back down to a nice jog and then start it over again. Also running at a faster pace will help you too. You should feel tired after a nice cardio workout :) This…
  • I get like that sometimes! You are probably just bloated!! Watch your Sodium levels...that causes bloating. Don't worry though you should be back to normal tomorrow. :) And don't get discouraged!!! Keep up the work!!! :)
  • Hello! I am doing the 30 day shred!! I started a week ago but I was super busy setting up a baby shower for a friend this past weekend that I didn't do the video so now here I am starting all over again! Today is day 2 for me!!! I also do the Ab Ribber X from the P90X workout every other day because I don't feel like the…
  • Hello! I was always told that it is about how you feel. When you look in the mirror, you are comfortable with your body and how it looks and not so much concerned with weight. And REMEMBER muscle weighs more than fat!!!! I did put an ideal weight goal down but if I never make, I won't worry so much because if I feel great…