fat day

I am having a really fat day today Everything I put on makes me feel and look massive. I dont know if I have put on weight cause Im to scared to weigh myself (plus my husband has hid them cause I was odsessed jumping on and off them). I have just decided to get back into PJs and go nowhere. Does anyone else get days like this.


  • Mrswheels01
    Mrswheels01 Posts: 201 Member
    Oh my gosh! Yes ! They are the worst! I'm sorry you are feeling this way today. :(
  • shaylealicata
    I get like that sometimes! You are probably just bloated!! Watch your Sodium levels...that causes bloating. Don't worry though you should be back to normal tomorrow. :) And don't get discouraged!!! Keep up the work!!! :)
  • mscoco10
    mscoco10 Posts: 527 Member
    I have these days often. Drink water and stick to fruit and veggies today. That should help. Hope you feel better.
  • bopefas
    bopefas Posts: 32 Member
    get out and go for a walk.once you get moving everything seems better.good luck
  • jeanine89
    jeanine89 Posts: 95 Member
    when I have days like this I exercise for 30-60 minutes to get the happy endorphines in my brain flowing. Eating food releses those same endorphines in our brains so eating less can depressed you. So, get active get going and feel better. :)
  • Bsp120167
    Bsp120167 Posts: 68 Member
    Everyone has days like that. If you can work up a good sweat usually makes me feel better. You never look as bad to everyone else as you feel. We're our own worse critics