

  • Well I am slowly recovering from the UK cold bug that has infected a lot of peeps this Christmas - doing my 30 min circuit training 5 days a week now and trying to be more active in general. Seem to be losing 1lb a week - which is a nice steady rate to lose and I would be more than happy to continue with this for the next…
  • Hey Girls, sorry I have been absent poster here - been busy with Xmas and then now got a horrible cold and very chesty cough - I have had this around 2 weeks and it seems to be improving but I still feel drained and needing constant sleep (or so it feels like it) Ms Natalie - I was going to do my 30DS again - but I also…
  • Hi Lizzie - how exciting a cruise - thats what me and my man want to arrange - we would only do a 1 week one and a meditteranean one as we have never done one before. Just really fancy the idea - hoping to book ours for next year over the next few months xxx
  • Name: Sammi December 1st weight: 11st Goal weight for December 31st:: 10st 10 Non-weight goal for December: Complete the 30DS
  • Well done, you look great - you are well on your way to your goal weight. Keep it up :flowerforyou:
  • Hi, Just another quick work on 30DS - its planned that you can do a workout everyday as its only 20 mins. But my first one I have done 10 days, 1 day off then start the second level and still yet to finish level 3. However I am not saying I have to do this everyday - to do as many as I can in a week will be enough - I…
  • Hi Flossy, I basically only decided to do this because I am having probs with timing and being able to cook a meal in the day. Work just isn't letting up. I probably need to organise time management a bit more and perhaps prepare my food at night, but I don't want to spend most of my evenings cooking at the min as I am…
  • I hope you don't mind girls, I am planning on doing this in the new year - wanted to do the 30ds before I moved on to this. So I am keen on seeing all your results. Good Luck and keep up the good work,
  • I defo will be making calories up to 1200 if I don't work out and make them up more when MFP tells me too, the Slimfast was only a short option before xmas - never going to be a long term thing. :flowerforyou:
  • Thanks everyone - I defo need look at the other options then. Do you see results then from the alternatives?
  • I have also bought her book and 2 other dvd's and I also have the yoga meltdown. But I haven't tried these yet, my aim is to complete the 30DS and then do a mix up of her workouts, as the others are 40 min workouts as opposed to a 20 min workout. Although in order to not lose too much progress over a 30 day period I am…
  • I have been watching what I eat to some degree but could do better! It is a killer and I think her approach defo works for me, I haven't managed to do it yet this week :noway: due to laziness really but I have made a chart and I am hoping that I keep losing an inch a week lol.
  • Thanks for the recipes Flossycat - I am doing Slimming world - so I am going to defo try some of these as I think they will fit in nicely xx x
  • Hi Buttercup - I have the DVD's and yes the inch loss is a definite - already lost an inch of hip and waist - still at day 5. But it can slow down. I love Jillian Michaels and find her really good at motivating me. We defo need compare what we lose - be good to share x x Good Luck x
  • Hi Girls, We are yet to name our date, but we are hopeful of a 2012 wedding. I am hoping to get down to 140lbs 9 maybe even 136lb) by mid spring and then maintain. So hope you don't mind me joining, I have used Sparkpeople - but prefer the exercise and food charts on here. As I am pretty new, if anyone wants to add me as a…
  • Hi, I am doing this too. It should be 10 days on each level - straight through, but I tend to have 1 day off at a weekend. Only started last week - really wish us all good luck, I love Jillian I think she is great. x:smile: