Jillian Michael's 30 Day Slimdown Challenge



  • Pitterpatter
    Pitterpatter Posts: 243 Member
    i thoroughly enjoyed No More Trouble Zones!!! i had to modify a few moves due to my injured leg but i got quite the workout and it wasn't horribly hard. i'm quite impressed with myself!!!
  • heather0mc
    heather0mc Posts: 4,656 Member
    i thoroughly enjoyed No More Trouble Zones!!! i had to modify a few moves due to my injured leg but i got quite the workout and it wasn't horribly hard. i'm quite impressed with myself!!!

    whoa! that is great! i thought it was very horribly hard! LMAO!
    take care of that leg woman!
  • Sweettart
    Sweettart Posts: 1,331 Member
    Heather: I'm right there with ya about NMTZ! And I also switched from 3-5lb weights.

    Well this morning I got up but did not want to workout. But I got on the scale and was down .8 since yesterday so that motivated me to get my workout clothes on and do it and I did!!!!!

    Now I feel good and burned 20 more calories then the last time I did 30DS level 1!! Now the bad news (keeping fingers crossed) I think I twisted my right knee :frown: Good think Im a physiotherapist assistant and work with 2 physios.

    Was planning on a 2 mile run tonight so that is now up in the air.

    Have a great workout!
  • KittyKat_Sammi
    I hope you don't mind girls, I am planning on doing this in the new year - wanted to do the 30ds before I moved on to this.

    So I am keen on seeing all your results.

    Good Luck and keep up the good work,
  • Pitterpatter
    Pitterpatter Posts: 243 Member
    Holy sore abs this morning!!!!! :drinker:
  • badrianne
    I started yesterday with Day 1. It felt great! However, it is that TOM and I feel horrible so I missed today. I am going to just skip it and do Day 3 tomorrow.

    I really don't want to fail at this challenge...
  • Pitterpatter
    Pitterpatter Posts: 243 Member
    i *think* i have convinced my husband to do tis challenge!!! i'll keep you guys posted!! :bigsmile:
  • vachegomoo
    About to do Day 4! My internet hasn't been working so I haven't been able to check in, but it looks like you're all doing a great job! I had to skip the last circuit of NMTZ last night, I was way too pooped. Once I get rid of the flab, I think my arms are going to look fantastic from that workout. :P

    Speaking of Shred level 2, I feel like I need to put on an extra sports bra to compensate for Jillian's, shall we say, lack of support? Every time we get to the high knees I'm afraid that she's going to pop out! I never noticed that she doesn't button her top button either.

    Adrianne: You can do it! :)

    Sweettart: Hope your knee is ok!
  • heather0mc
    heather0mc Posts: 4,656 Member
    Speaking of Shred level 2, I feel like I need to put on an extra sports bra to compensate for Jillian's, shall we say, lack of support? Every time we get to the high knees I'm afraid that she's going to pop out! I never noticed that she doesn't button her top button either.

    oh man, i feel like a dirty perv during high knees because i cant stop staring at her chest...her sports bra is definitely phoning it in and not really trying....hehehehe
  • heather0mc
    heather0mc Posts: 4,656 Member
    ok, so day four all donezo here! i honestly thought i was going to be more sore today after last night but i felt ok until late afternoon - i started stiffening up so i got up and did stretches often.

    doing level one of the shred tonight (remember i was on level 2 on days 1 & 2) was incredible! i was ALMOST able to do the whole thing by following natalie instead of anita and i have never been able to do that. it was so strange that it was so easy for me. i am not trying to toot my own horn, i am being sincere when i say i am pretty shocked! i did the shred all thru november so it MUST have had an impact and i MUST be getting some kind of results which makes mama happy!!!

    on the down side, i think i know the dialog by heart. UGH! i keep talking along with her...make it stop!

    one more thing, the elliptical was hard tonight. it took a lot longer to get loosened up in the legs. not only were they feeling worn out from last night, doing the shred natalie style really put a strain on them. i did finish and was able to bring my mile time down a few seconds. sa-weet!

    so, day five tomorrow (for most of us) and then day six and then REST DAY! WOOT!
  • Pitterpatter
    Pitterpatter Posts: 243 Member
    ok. so i'm not necessarily doing the "Slimdown" as of yet but i have done the No More Trouble Zones the last 2 days. it's the easiest on my leg since it doesn't have as much jumping around. but holy hell i'm sore today after 2 days of it!!!! wowzers!!! i will start the program with the recommended Shred on Sunday of my leg allows. if not then i will just continue with the NMTZ. am i still welcome to post here?
  • chennaichick
    Hey just came across this one - I have just the 30 day shred but will see if I can download the rest from Exercise TV.
  • heather0mc
    heather0mc Posts: 4,656 Member
    ok, i just reluctantly did day 5...eeesh!

    i should have guess this was all cardio. not easy to do living on the 3rd floor and not wanting to PO my neighbors more than they already are. *sigh*.

    but, i did it and i am happy. one more day then REST DAY!
  • heather0mc
    heather0mc Posts: 4,656 Member
    ok. so i'm not necessarily doing the "Slimdown" as of yet but i have done the No More Trouble Zones the last 2 days. it's the easiest on my leg since it doesn't have as much jumping around. but holy hell i'm sore today after 2 days of it!!!! wowzers!!! i will start the program with the recommended Shred on Sunday of my leg allows. if not then i will just continue with the NMTZ. am i still welcome to post here?
    of course you are silly! stick with it until your leg is better then just make sure you do not over work it. maybe if we start over next month, your leg will be healed and you can go the full 30 days!
  • Sweettart
    Sweettart Posts: 1,331 Member
    SO glad to see you ladies doing so well!

    I have not worked out since Thurs :( My knee is slowly getting better. The knee pain was from my hamstrings being so tight. Also, thurs night me and my bf had a bad fight and talked about breaking up so haven't worked out.

    Not sure if I am going to workout today or not but if I dont I am starting again tomorrow and just continue where I left off. So this will take 32 days for me but I WILL finish!!

    What is Quick zones??
  • heather0mc
    heather0mc Posts: 4,656 Member
    SO glad to see you ladies doing so well!

    I have not worked out since Thurs :( My knee is slowly getting better. The knee pain was from my hamstrings being so tight. Also, thurs night me and my bf had a bad fight and talked about breaking up so haven't worked out.

    Not sure if I am going to workout today or not but if I dont I am starting again tomorrow and just continue where I left off. So this will take 32 days for me but I WILL finish!!

    What is Quick zones??

    aw, poor thing! i hope everything is ok with your leg. that really blows about you and your bf - i hope everything works out for the best :flowerforyou:

    as far as day 6 & 7, i am taking a double day break. yesterday i was on the go for at least 7.5 hours (working adoptions, on my feet all day) then went to a friends for dinner etc. i was out of my house for almost 13 hours....exhausted too!

    so exhausted that i woke up at ONE THIRTY! um, oops! i really need to get motivated just to get moving and have a million things to do...so, i do not see a dvd workout happening today.

    i dont feel bad or guilty about this because my body is still feeling the effects from last week. plus i was already doing the shred so yesterday would have been like day 8 or 9 in a row for me...2 days off sounds like a deal! :glasses:

    p.s. i haven't a clue what quick zones is. is it a shorter version of the NMTZ dvd? i saw there was some other workout to choose but didn't choose it.... *shrugs*
  • Pitterpatter
    Pitterpatter Posts: 243 Member
    i "officially" started Day 1 this evening. the jumping jacks killed my hurt leg so i will have to modify a bit. after the video i did 60 Kettlebell swings. :bigsmile:
  • Pitterpatter
    Pitterpatter Posts: 243 Member
    (((hugs))) Sweettart!!
    and i also don't know what the "quick zones" is. hmmmmmmmmmm.....
  • vachegomoo
    I think the Quick Zones is about half of the regular workout. She leaves out the repeats on the circuits, and skips the last one completely.

    I didn't work out on Fri or Sat (shame on me, I didn't even have a good excuse :grumble: ) so I'm going to try and make those two days up. My alarm is set super early for tomorrow, and the goal is to get a workout in both before and after work. We'll see how that goes. I did get some yoga in today though, so that's something at least.
  • Sweettart
    Sweettart Posts: 1,331 Member
    Good morning ladies!

    Well things are still up and down with my bf and I :(

    I didn't get up this morning to workout so I will do it tonight. I also googled what quick zones are. What you do is take out all the mat work. So no abs or anything that makes you get on the floor.

    Well hope everyone had a better weekend than I did. This is a good diet I am 3.6lbs less than I was last monday!