Jillian Michael's 30 Day Slimdown Challenge

OK Everyone who is ready to slimdown for christmas? I am!!!

I have 30 Day Shred, Banish fat, Boost Metabolism and No More Trouble Zones and have never really used them. I found a 30 Day Slimdown workout routine using all 3 videos.

Here is the link


Lets slimdown together! Its always easier when you have a support group to cheer each other on and pick us up on our bad days.


  • vachegomoo
    I gave this a shot back in October but didn't finish, so now I'm ready to give it another go! What day are you starting on?
  • Sweettart
    Sweettart Posts: 1,331 Member
    Im hoping to start tomorrow morning!!
  • Pitterpatter
    Pitterpatter Posts: 243 Member
    i don't have the Trouble Zone one :frown:
  • Sweettart
    Sweettart Posts: 1,331 Member
    You can buy it at Target for $10 or try and download it. Thats what I did.
  • vachegomoo
    Tomorrow morning it is. :smile: The schedule is about to get taped to my cupboard. Good luck!!
  • badrianne
    At first I was going to say that I could not do this because I do not have all of the DVD's. I have NMTZ and 30 Day Shred. But then I followed the link and saw that you can get some of the workout from Exercise TV on demand!

    So I am going to start on the 1st. Thanks for sharing. I hope I actually finish...
  • Bearface115
    Bearface115 Posts: 574 Member
    Im doing the last chance workout and wanna get back to the 30 day shred! i wanna be a lean mean fighting machine!:laugh:
  • Sweettart
    Sweettart Posts: 1,331 Member
    badrianne: I usually don't finish what I started either! But this is only 30 days so we can do it! And once we DO we will have accomplished a goal!

    Ladies: I'm also thinking about doing JIllian's Shred It WIth Weights at night. I am also training for a half marathon so will be running 3 days a week. Im tired just thinking about all this working out lol
  • Pitterpatter
    Pitterpatter Posts: 243 Member
    i'll go buy the Trouble Zone this week. i need to rest a few days as i injured my leg. hopefully i can start Wednesday!!!
  • Sweettart
    Sweettart Posts: 1,331 Member
    Bearface: How do you like the last chance workout? Ive been trying to find it and can't!
  • heather0mc
    heather0mc Posts: 4,656 Member
    i just looked this up and printed it out. i think this sounds great! tough but great!

    i have been working out 4-5 days per week since mid sept. all of october all i did was walk the dog for 30 minutes and elliptical for 45-60 minutes. in november i cut the elliptical down so i could add in the 30 day shred. i am close to moving on to level 3 (3 more days of the shred and i can bump it up...

    i can totally start this tomorrow. i need to pick up the other 2 dvd's and can do that by wednesday. man, my downstairs neighbors are gonna HATE me!!!!

    i wish all the videos were only 20-25 minutes long. oh well though, this looks cool. is anyone going to measure before starting? i just did yesterday so i am good to go...
  • vachegomoo
    Heather: Measuring is a good idea, I'll do that tomorrow morning. The downstairs lady probably already hates me for jumping around when I work out, so we can be terrible neighbors together. :P

    I think on the Shred days I'm going to do a dance workout too, just to throw something fun in there, and yoga on the rest days.

    I taped the schedule to my kitchen cupboard so my husband can see it and I gave him permission to pester me if I slack off, so this time I'm GOING to finish! Good luck to everybody, we can all do this together!
  • Jourdan_Rystrom
    Jourdan_Rystrom Posts: 176 Member
    Sounds great! I've got them all! I lost my first 10 pounds doing just these Jillian DVDs :)

    Also, we have a BURN Holiday Challenge at my gym - where we do Jillian-esque workouts every day until Christmas! If I pair them together hopefully good things will happen!

    - Jourdan
  • Jourdan_Rystrom
    Jourdan_Rystrom Posts: 176 Member
    You can do ANYTHING for 30 days!!!! C'mon ladies lets WORK IT!
  • heather0mc
    heather0mc Posts: 4,656 Member
    vachegomo: sweet! lol! glad we can be a bad neighbor team! sometimes i do want to buy them a starbucks giftcard with an 'i am sorry' note attached, but haven't yet... ;)

    jourdan: it is great to hear you did well with these dvd's! my favorite thing about the shred is how quickly my endurance picks up. the first couple days are torture, then by the 3rd i am like - oh, cool! let's try the non-modified version.

    @ everyone - i think i am going to stick with level 2 of the shred the first 2 days. reading thru the workout it looks like it gets progressively harder each week. since i have done level 2 four times now, i kinda want to keep it up. then i will fall into place after that.

    i am curious to see if i can still do the elliptical while doing this program. i sure hope so, i really enjoy it (did i just say that? WEIRD!). it is a good de-stresser for me (quit smoking sept 13th, so i need de-stressers!).

    good luck everyone!
  • Pitterpatter
    Pitterpatter Posts: 243 Member
    as long as my leg permits i'm in. i see the Dr tomorrow ...
  • heather0mc
    heather0mc Posts: 4,656 Member
    You can do ANYTHING for 30 days!!!! C'mon ladies lets WORK IT!

    woo hoo!!!
  • heather0mc
    heather0mc Posts: 4,656 Member
    as long as my leg permits i'm in. i see the Dr tomorrow ...

    good luck! hope the doc gives you a good report!
  • Pitterpatter
    Pitterpatter Posts: 243 Member
    as long as my leg permits i'm in. i see the Dr tomorrow ...

    good luck! hope the doc gives you a good report!

    thank you so much!!! i hope it's just that i've been over doing it with the running. *fingers crossed*
  • Sweettart
    Sweettart Posts: 1,331 Member
    Pitterpatter: Good luck at the drs and hope everything is A OK!!

    Heather: Do the elliptical too! I am also training for a half marathon so will be running 3 days a week. The days im not running I think Im going to try and do Jillians Shred it with weights or her yoga meltdown. My goal is to workout 2 times a day!

    Well day 1 is complete! When I had done the Shred before I used 3lb weights well today it was 5lbs!! I burned a nice 208 calories to start my day! Feel great but it hurt to lift my arms to wash my hair in the shower lol.

    Good luck with day 1! Only 29 to go! We WILL do this!