Jargarita Member


  • Boston cream donuts...
  • I said no thanks to a slice of super tasty raspberry pie! It would have put me way over my cals for the day.
  • Melatonin is my favorite sleep aid! I like that it takes a while to kick in so I can chill for a while before drifting off to sleep.
  • Size really varies between designers but this is a link to the AE international sizing chart http://www.ae.com/web/modals/sizeChart.jsp?name=internationalSizeChart Edit: woops that link doesn't work! http://www.ae.com/web/browse/product.jsp?catId=cat90120&productId=0431_7755_001 Go here and click on the Size + Fit tab and…
  • Usually once a week I use a vitamin e cap as a face moisturizer over night and it leaves my skin soso stunning. You could also try olive oil to remove makeup, it shouldn't irritate sensitive skin. You can save some money by signing up on makeup sites and keep an eye on your email for sale alerts, there is also a blog…
  • Teriyaki sauce is actually super easy to make if you want to spend less on it! It's just soy sauce, mirin, and sugar. Mirin is sweet rice wine and it adds a fab touch to all sorts of random dishes. For the ginger you could just grate or dice some fresh ginger or use ginger powder. There are organic versions of soy sauce…
  • Some tricks I use to lessen the fishiness of some fish are to rub salt or lemon into the raw fish wait a few minutes then wash it under running water. A mild flavored fish pan fried with a bit of panko, fresh dill, and lemon is always nice imo :)
  • It can be very tedious so when I have things like broccoli that do not have a lot of calories I usually don't log them.
  • Ritz Reduced Fat Crackers are 70 cals for 5 crackers and they don't even taste that great!
  • This was me last week! I picked up some special treats for myself with the intention of having a little each day but it just didn't happen. It was like some freaky compulsion to eat it all asap so no one else could have any even though no one else would have had any anyways...
  • I have a dial scale and it's not very accurate, even placing my feet a little different changes the reading, ntm the little dashes between the numbers are really hard to read! I really need to pick up a digital one...
  • I have not been on a bike in quite a few years but there was one summer that I had to ride my bike every day for an hour to get home and I sure as heck lost weight! I wasn't doing anything else with my diet either.
  • I have been tracking mine when I'm in a bra and panties. Having more clothes on gave me inaccurate results that varied depending on what I was wearing.
  • I didn't drink much water until I picked up a Brita water jug filter thing to keep in the fridge. The carbon seems to cancel out some of the yucky flavors and the rest is knocked out cause the water is nice and cold so it kinda numbs my taste buds :D I also like to add Mio or Crystal Light to it every now and then.
  • I'll give this a try! Weekly Goal: 3,500 Mon: calories burned (how they were burned) Tues: calories burned (how they were burned) Wed: calories burned (how they were burned) Thur: calories burned (how they were burned) Fri: calories burned (how they were burned) Sat: calories burned (how they were burned) Sun: calories…
  • Thanks everyone! It's time for something tasty and a fancy drink.