xarchie1980x Member


  • congratulations to everyone who had successes this week. I had a bad last week, so am not weighing myself today, and plan to join in with u guys from next friday onwards! hope everyone has a good weekend! :)
  • thanks everyone for your kind words...i walked 3.9 miles yesterday...at the speed of 3 miles/hr....my boy-friend is a sweetheart..and when i told him how stressed i feel...he offered to walk with me from work to home....which was exact 3.9 miles..and we reached home in 70 minutes. even though...i feel that u exert more…
  • thanks erickirb..i will keep that in mind :)
  • Friday weigh in: My SW last week =159.4 Today's weight = 156.6 So I lost 2.8 pounds!!! I missed work-out for 2 days this week... So I was expecting no change as well... But I m glad to see this! :) Hope everyone has a happy Friday weigh in!! :)
  • Thanks becca! U rock! :flowerforyou: I plan to go right after work tomorrow and get one for myself. Can't wait to try the recipe u just posted as well :smile: I started p90x... And want to increase my protein intake... But problem is I don't cook at all...as I joke with my boy-friend that "me boiling water=cooking" :wink:…
  • Hi all...I too am on my 2nd week of P90x....and love it!!!! Missed one day in between...and on to "Leg and Back" today.. There are certain things which I just cannot do..Crane, Dreya roll...and it sucks but I just cannot go past the first 5 min of the Ab ripper video!!! My main problem area is my abs..have a big flabby…
  • i think i need a small one...but will look into the removable plates one... is it really so difficult to clean it???
  • and i will weigh in next on coming Friday...and see it from there on!! Good luck all..and have a happy monday! :)
  • my starting weight for the 90 day challenge is 159.4...and "i want to lose" atleast 3 pounds per week....but 2 pounds per week is fine too :p and if we count from today (8/16/10)...the exact 91 days=13 weeks falls on 11/15/10...which is perfect for me..coz i leave for my one month vacation on 11/15/10!!! :)
  • i would like to join in too..and friday morning weigh-ins sound perfect! :)
  • thanks Gully68 and everyone else! :) So, I missed P90x yesterday...and picked it up with 'chest and back' today.... I thought I am gonna do P90 yoga as well today to cover up for yesterday..but instead....i decided to do some cleaning around our house (we just moved into this beautiful apartment right by the river and the…
  • thank you all for your kind words!!! I had a bad day yesterday, just got back home...am gonna sleep now, and will try to do two P90x workouts today (coz i missed the yesterday's work-out as well :cry: :cry: :brokenheart: )' hope i can get bk on track today! love u all..this is a great site with awesome people around! :)
  • mm3898: I started the lean version of P90x. I will be doing the Day9 today (cardio). Also, i think it all depends on your body...coz for me...the most intense work-out so far has been Kempo x...I HATE IT!!! :P lol But surprisingly ...i heard others saying they like it a lot.. As for the order of doing the disks..i am just…
  • thanks gully68..i just bought some Whey protein powder...got it at GNC...at work right now...will go home tonight and try to look the caloric details. But, if you know any that u would recommend. plz let me know. thanks! :)
  • HI GUYS I need help..coz i dont know why...its totally opposite for me...my protein is usually very very low than my required goal for everyday. I am mainly vegetarian, but have started eating chicken as well occasionally to get proteins. dont know what i can eat to go high on proteins? :(
  • also, for 2 cans garbanzo beans...i use one medium onion, and 2-3 medium sized tomatoes :)
  • I am indian, and we make channa masala all the time at our house. The way i make it is....first I blend onions and tomato with 1/4 cup water in a blender to make a puree of them. Then i take a pan (with lid) and add the puree in it. Add only 2 tablespoon of oil (use any u like, i like olive oil) for 2 cans of garbanzo…
  • khskr1...sorry for the typo..i started on 8/5, and today was my 7th day...did X-stretch today :) Sent u a friend reuqest too...need loads of motivation and motivators to keep going! =)
  • woke up at 4.30 today and did Stretch X...feel so good after that. Its amazing how i feel that all the soreness i had over the last 6 days kind of vanished after the streching today. Love it! :)
  • plz add me as a friend if anyone want to do p90x together and keep each other motivated..i started on 8/6..and today was my 6th day of week 1 kempo x is crazzy!!! :)
  • and HOSED49....can u plz tell me where i can find ab ripper 100?? thanks :flowerforyou:
  • THANK YOU ALL FOR YOUR KIND WORDS! AND LADIES AND GENTLEMAN...I JUST DID KEMPO X!! lol..sorry for making it sound so braggin kinds :p but..OMG....i had to pause the one hour video atleast 15 times in between...almost threw up once....but...I FINISHED THE WHOLE DARN WORK-OUT!! HOSED49
  • THANK YOU ALL FOR YOUR KIND WORDS! AND LADIES AND GENTLEMAN...I JUST DID KEMPO X!! lol..sorry for making it sound so braggin kinds :p but..OMG....i had to pause the one hour video atleast 15 times in between...almost threw up once....but...I FINISHED THE WHOLE DARN WORK-OUT!! HOSED49
  • oh god..i m so sorry...i meant the nutrition guide...oops :p
  • thanks everyone for their feedback... livingforhim52.... when i say..it was ok..it just means i managed to do the whole work-out with some extra breaks in between.. anyhow...i plan to continue doing it...lets see how it goes.. also...i went through the p90x nutrition guide... but too confusing for me...any advice? thanks…