

  • Plain popcorn that you pop yourself is pretty good, I find :)
  • an hour's walking, just at a normal 3mph pace, will still burn lots of cals and leave you not looking/smelling gross, hopefully :D
  • Not really had any revelations but seeinga s you can 'run for hours' maybe you can help me - I've just started running, I'm not the fittest of people and I can only manage pitifully short periods of running - about 15 minutes at a time. How long does it take, would you say, to get to a point when you can comfortably go…
  • Personally I've just had a 'cheat day' because my mum was cooking for me tonight along with the rest of our family and I don't like to make a fuss. I've gone about 450 cals over my usual daily target (eek!) which is more than I'd usually do on my rare cheat days, but I've eaten well for the last few weeks and for the rest…
  • I find popcorn quite useful, if you amke it yourself, replace butter with something like Benecol buttery taste spread, or air-pop it, it's really low in calories and I find a small bowl is really good for keeping me going until the next meal, or if I'm hungry later on in the evening. Don't want to go to bed hungry!
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