

  • Don't be worried, in my experience, men lose weight a lot faster than women. I would LOVE to worry about losing too much weight! I have stayed under my calories and excercised EVERY day and only lost 2 lbs. My husband watches me excercise and lost 5 lbs!!!!
  • If you ever watch Dr. Oz, he says that fat free salad dressings are a diet trap. He said they take out the fat and fill it with sugar. According to Dr. Oz, you are better off with low fat dressings or a good vinigarette.
  • Thanks guys! It gets very confusing when you are trying to lose weight. I know you want to burn more calories than you take in, but I have also heard that you can get in trouble if you don't eat enough calories. I guess I will try one way and if that doesn't work, i will try the other!:ohwell:
  • There are several walking DVD's out there. I started with those. They were actually fun and I could do them in my living room, so I couldn't use the weather as an excuse. The important thing is just get up and move and if you can find a way to have fun while doing it then that's even better!
  • Thank you everyone for the encouragment!:blushing: