

  • You are not alone...I was just expression similar frustration to my sister and brother in law (who are also MFP members) and I'm doing my best to stay encouraged. I've lost 1 pound in the last three weeks and I wanted to throw my scale against the wall, but like you, I can truly tell the difference in my clothes so I know…
  • I'd like to loose 10 pounds...It's been pretty slow for me, but I plan to pick up the pace this month.
    in June Comment by Felencia June 2010
  • Congratulations! I can't wait to join you!
  • What's most important is that you pick yourself up, dust yourself off and get back on board. We all fall off the wagon from time to time, but don't stay down.
  • Please don't get frustrated. Everyone's body is different. You will start to see results! Also, have you had your Thyroid checked. I had a friend that experienced the same thing while dieting and exercising only to find out there was an issue with her Thyroid.
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