So frustrated!!!

anikab Posts: 150 Member
I have been on mfp for over a month and have only lost 3lbs. I changed my entire way of eating- no candy, no sodas, no juice, nothing from a box except pasta or rice, everything else I make fresh. Salads, fish,chicken etc I just don't understand....I kind of feel a difference in my clothes but maybe I'm just delusional because the weight doesn't seem to be consistently coming off like everyone says it does. Is there something I'm doing wrong? I just don't know anymore and I'm getting really discouraged.


  • Behavior_Modification
    Behavior_Modification Posts: 24,482 Member
    Have you taken measurements? When I started, I only lost 5lbs in the first 5-6 weeks, but lost a LOT of inches.
  • cuppycake22
    cuppycake22 Posts: 224
    Take measurements! Some times your weight won't budge but inches will be lost :)
  • WaterGal_24
    I totally feel your frustration. I have been on here for about a month too and have only lost 1 pound. I am running 4-5 miles 5-7 times a week and only eat around 1300 calories daily. Try not to look at the numbers on the scale though. Although my weight is the same I have gone down a pant size and everyone tells me that see a difference. Don't get discouarged and just keep plugging away. I bet the pounds will start dropping soon for both of us.
  • sweet4keeps22
    sweet4keeps22 Posts: 291 Member
    Scales are tricky devils. :devil: Remember: they weigh lots of things, not just fat. They weigh muscle, water, every kind of cell in your body. I recommend that you take your measurements today, then take them again in a week. That way no matter what that evil scale is telling you, you will have a concrete way of determining that you are indeed making progress as a result of all of the positive changes you have made in your life.

    Also, keep in mind that 3 lbs, in 4 weeks is pretty good! A healthy, maintainable weight loss averages at about 1 lb per week, so you're right on track! (Bear in mind, too, some weeks you will lose nothing, other weeks your body will catch up and you'll lose 2, 3, 4 pounds in one week. It's not necessarily a linear process.)

    Good Luck!
  • tex43
    tex43 Posts: 229
    Yup ,take measurements and pics,get you a front and side shot wear same clothes.Are you exercising?

    If you are feeling better in your clothes you are right on course,I've been doing it for twoo months and had several weeks with no weight loss,but on the monthly checks I lost 2 inches in my waist both months.
  • Winter0916
    Winter0916 Posts: 80
    I usually don't weight myself, i measure... I hate scales, they're evil.
  • tex43
    tex43 Posts: 229
    I totally feel your frustration. I have been on here for about a month too and have only lost 1 pound. I am running 4-5 miles 5-7 times a week and only eat around 1300 calories daily. Try not to look at the numbers on the scale though. Although my weight is the same I have gone down a pant size and everyone tells me that see a difference. Don't get discouarged and just keep plugging away. I bet the pounds will start dropping soon for both of us.

    I bet a paycheck you aren't eating enough considering your training routine,you should really try eating back most of your exercise cals.
  • megamom
    megamom Posts: 920 Member
    You could make your food diary public also and let people see if they see any weak spots or if your eating enough..
  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    I have a feeling you are not eating enough. That was my problem. I was nursing and working out and only eating around 1500 calories. So, not a pound was coming off and I seem to gain a little too. I now eat about 2200 calories a day and am seeing a big difference. I am not telling you to eat that many calories, but you need to do a minimum of 1200 PLUS your exercise calories.

    Stay encouraged, your body is thanking you right now for your healthier choices:-)
  • Ichabod
    Ichabod Posts: 6
    Many suggest you are not eating enough. Eating frequently (mini meals) is important to keep metabolism up. Maybe you are getting the right # calories for the day but too many calories at one sitting.
    Another possibility is just the opposite however...maybe you are underestimating serving sizes. My coworker lost 71 pounds pretty quickly, but it didnt start really falling off until he started using the food scale and measuring cup. Turns out he was inputting less calories on MFP than he was really eating. once he got a grip on his portion control, everything started falling into place.
  • mommyhof3
    mommyhof3 Posts: 551 Member
    I agree with what everyone is saying about eating 1200 plus your exercise calories. Also make sure you are weighing and measuring your foods. It is so easy to overestimate how much you are eating.
  • Felencia
    Felencia Posts: 5
    You are not alone...I was just expression similar frustration to my sister and brother in law (who are also MFP members) and I'm doing my best to stay encouraged. I've lost 1 pound in the last three weeks and I wanted to throw my scale against the wall, but like you, I can truly tell the difference in my clothes so I know I'm losing inches. I know we'd like to see our tickers moving gracefully to the finish line, but we have to exhibit patience and I'm holding out for the time when the pounds will really start to fall off. Good Luck!
  • nikkieliivey
    nikkieliivey Posts: 76 Member
    Yes! I was having this same problem up until yesterday, a weigh in day. I was excercising 2-3 hours a day and eating roughly 1300-1500 calories. I would step on the scale expecting to see some major pounds lost, but would end up gaining a pound. It is super frustrating b/c you are working so hard, and you are just kinda like why do this is if is not going to make a difference at all?!?!?! I would try eating more, but do it gradually...increase by like 100 calories a week until you find your optimum caloric input. For me, I needed to increase to about 1600-1800 calories to really keep my metabolism going! Hope everything works out for you!
  • Mellie13
    Mellie13 Posts: 424
    Are you working out? I know that is the key for me. Good old fashioned cardio with some sort of strenght training. I can eat exactly 1200 calories a day and the scale not budge, but start working out (and eating most of those calories burned for me works) and that's what helps the weight come off for me. Good luck!!
  • emilyfh
    emilyfh Posts: 291 Member
    The measuring tape is your friend, even though the scale isn't sometimes. I know how that goes, but in the 3rd month is when I still started dropping pounds. Everyones metabolism is different, so be pateint, it will come off.
  • balfonso
    balfonso Posts: 370 Member
    Don't worry, I'm the same. I've been doing this for 6 weeks and have only lost 2kg but not physically seeing any changes to my body but that tiny weight loss. My clothes still fit the same and I have not lost any inches (yet) so I feel your frustration.
    I eat all the right foods in small portions 3-6 times a day, eating over 1200 and half or all my calories earned from exercising and I exercise 6/7 times a week for 20-30mins of interval training and drink the recommended 8 glasses of water daily.
    So I'm wondering how long more until the shedding kicks in.
  • kathleenhutchison
    Stick with it. You're on the right path and 3 lbs. is a lot when you think about it. If you stay at this rate, 3 lbs per month-You'll lose 36 lbs in a year! Wouldn't that be great. Remember: if it comes off quickly, it goes back on just as quickly. You're not on a diet, you're starting a new healthy life style and it does take time. Don't always worry about the numbers. If your clothes are a bit looser and you're feeling good, you're on your way. Are you also exercising?
  • mrsmillan
    mrsmillan Posts: 37
    you also have to remember that muscle weighs more then fat, so you might be losing fat, but gaining muscle so take that into count also.....
  • Mellie13
    Mellie13 Posts: 424
    Not trying to be disrepectful, but wanted to make a correction to a very common misconception. Muscle doesn't actually weigh more than fat. A pound is a pound no matter what it is made of. It's just that a pound of muscle takes up less room than a pound of fat. :wink:
  • fonrouge82
    fonrouge82 Posts: 50 Member
    I feel exactly the same way! I began MFP May 1st and have lost 2.5 pounds in one month. I have exercised more (at least 4 times per week), cut LOTS of carbs, drank ALL of my water plus more, and eaten my 1200 calories plus most of my exercise calories back. My clothes feel a tiny bit looser but that darned scale seems not to budge. I have not taken measurements yet. I am sooo frustrated too! :mad: