a HORRIBLE (diet) weekend!

I did HORRIBLE this weekend! Ate out twice yesterday and twice on Saturday and didn't make the best choices most of the time. :( I was hoping to be down another 2 lbs. by yesterday but instead today I'm up 2! So frustrated!! Around TOM too, so I'm hoping that's part of it but I know it's my poor eating this weekend. I'm supposed to be down 5lbs now but instead I'm down 1. Getting so frustrated with myself and this process.

I go back to the dr. today to get my thyroid checked again see if my meds need to be adjusted. Maybe she can give me some info that will help.


  • shanerylee
    shanerylee Posts: 298 Member
    same here and with TOM. I was up up and up :)
    keep up the workouts, really drink the water, and make better choices this week. With those three factors, it should adjust itself by the end of the week. Mostly sodium i bet.
  • katya143
    katya143 Posts: 313 Member
    Oh boy!!! I am on the same boat as you, but my horrible weekend ended up being a week! Today is a new day and its Im prepared! BTW, I gained 6 pounds this week! WTF!!!!
  • Chenoachem
    Chenoachem Posts: 1,758 Member
    I guess it was in the air or something. I am there with you too. I didn't even bother weighing in because I knew it would just be depressing. Leave the guilt aside and use it as motivation to do better this week.
  • miqisha
    miqisha Posts: 1,534 Member
    I am there will you all.....This weekend wasnt too great for me either....especially it being my aunts birthday on friday and then Mothers day on Sunday......

    But today is a new day.....and back on track
  • Johnnyswife
    Johnnyswife Posts: 1,447 Member
    Aww sorry! :flowerforyou: Me too. My hubby and I split a 1 layer cake, We figured if would be the same if we had gotten the three layer and had one piece. :laugh: I'm up 1 1/2 lbs, but I'm taking my dear sweet time to lose the weight this time. If I eat badly, I expect the weight to come back on and it motivates me to try harder.
    It takes a lot of paitence and time to lose weight. Just don't step on a scale during your TOM. Your ALWAYS weigh more than you normaly do. :flowerforyou:
  • Amylynn
    Amylynn Posts: 242 Member
    Me too:sad: . But, today is a new day & I'm not gonna give up. In the past, if I messed up several days in a row, I would give up & quit my diet & exercising. That's what got me up to 261 lbs. Just realize that this is a life long process and that everyday won't be your best. Get back on track & you will start losing again in no time.

    Good luck:flowerforyou:
  • Felencia
    Felencia Posts: 5
    What's most important is that you pick yourself up, dust yourself off and get back on board. We all fall off the wagon from time to time, but don't stay down.
  • DanOhh
    DanOhh Posts: 1,806 Member
    We all have bad weekends but you did the first step and recognized it. Now get back up on that horse.
  • sroseber
    sroseber Posts: 197 Member
    same here and with TOM. I was up up and up :)
    keep up the workouts, really drink the water, and make better choices this week. With those three factors, it should adjust itself by the end of the week. Mostly sodium i bet.

    You're probably right about the sodium, I didn't track my food all weekend so I can't look at the numbers but from tracking food I've eaten out in the past that is one thing that goes WAY up when eating out versus cooking at home! Thanks for the support!
  • sroseber
    sroseber Posts: 197 Member
    Oh boy!!! I am on the same boat as you, but my horrible weekend ended up being a week! Today is a new day and its Im prepared! BTW, I gained 6 pounds this week! WTF!!!!

    Mine was kind of a week too, but it got worse on the weekend. I was sick most of last week and didn't do great all week but was doing a little better by the end and was hoping I could salvage the week over the weekend. Instead I think it was sabotage!
  • sroseber
    sroseber Posts: 197 Member
    Thank you all for the support. I did do quite a bit of house cleaning on Friday night and yesterday afternoon/evening. I know it's not as many calories burnt as if I had actually worked out but it's better than laying on the couch watching TV (where I would probably have an unhealthy snack to go with it)

    I have felt really bad for the past 6-8 months due to stress, being too busy, and recently found out my thyroid was part of the problem too. I've been on meds for it for about a month now and I'm feeling somewhat better. During that 6-8 months I started letting everything go at home, with my health, everything. So now that I'm feeling a little better I've been trying to catch up all the stuff I let go for so long. The last 3 weekends have been productive on that front but also exhausting. So I haven't spent a lot of time with actual workouts (walking my dog and playing golf occasionally have been the closest thing to a workout that I've done) so I'm going to have to burn my calories doing housework for a while. I think once my space is decluttered and clean my mind will be less cluttered as well and maybe I'll be able to spend more time focusing on my diet/workouts.

    Thanks again for all the support and motivation. I really needed to hear it. Amylynn, I am like you sometimes after several bad days or a week of them I just feel like "what's the point" and want to give up. Now I feel like I just need a new strategy or plan. I need to find a way to work with/around the "bad" weekends that life throws at us and always will.

    Good luck to you all!
  • TammyGra
    TammyGra Posts: 8
    I too am right there with you. As the others have commented - that was then, this is now! Make the good choices and give yourself a hooray for admiting it and moving on - today is another day!
  • sroseber
    sroseber Posts: 197 Member
    Dr. appt. seemed to go well today. Won't know thyroid test results for a few days though. I talked to my dr. about the weight loss stuff though and how I'm frustrated that I lost so much last year and gained it all back and then some and her advice on that is the same thing I'm hearing from you all about the bad weekend. TODAY IS ANOTHER DAY! Also we talked about working out and she seems to do more like me. So much home stuff to do (she has a farm though so even more stuff to do!) around the house and no time for "workouts" but if you just keep moving and doing something you are getting a workout. So it may take longer but I may stick to it more by my workouts being everyday stuff working around the house and in the garden. Walking the dog. Playing golf with my husband and daughter. And maybe after I lose more weight I'll have more energy to try and do an actual "workout" in the mornings like I used to. I always hated the idea of getting out of bed to do it but I made myself a few times and felt so go afterwards and the rest of the day that I came to realize it was worth it.

    Today is another day....more water....more veggies...more fruit....less junk and hopefully more moving around and more sleep tonight too!