

  • Dessert Extravaganza???!!! THAT SOUNDS WONDERFUL! Great idea! I'm glad to hear your dress is everything you wanted! I would have been worried too about removing a full train. I just got the call yesterday that my dress is in Finally! I go on Tuesday to try it on and bring it home. Fingers crossed. As for weight loss...…
  • I kind of cheated with this wedding. We're going to Punta Cana and doing a beach wedding. So all I really did was e-mail the resort, they sent out a checklist I had to fill out (what food packages etc), sent it back in and that's that. We're technically getting married in town here by the justice of the peace before we go,…
  • OH MY... pumpkin... YES! I made the mistake of making pumpkin pie from scratch for my fiancee. (well I ended up making 4 with the amount of pumpkin i had, gave one pie to my parents, one away to a buddy and still have one in my freezer) BAD Idea. Now I have extra pumpkin puree sitting in my freezer screaming at me! So, if…
  • I'm not the 10th, but I am in November (the 21st). I peaked at your profile, and I have the EXACT same story as you - right down to the weights. Started dating at around 140, and topped the charts at almost 170... and enough was enough. I'm hoping to be at 150 (or less) by the 21st. I'm at 157 right now, so it's totally…
  • I like sleeman clear. It's 90 cals per bottle. It is a light beer though, so probably not ideal if you prefer the thicker/darker or heavier beers.
  • Hey! I'm getting married in November as well. I'm doing a destination wedding in the Dominican Republic, and I'd love to lose 25 lbs as well by then.
  • As evryone else said, you look great in all of them! I would personally go with the shorts... but that's not for coverage, I don't think you need it. I swim with bathing suit shorts as I find they ride up less, and cover just a bit more which makes me feel more comfortable. (you also don't need to worry as much about…
  • HAHA! I also read this thinking of something else. But I'm in for the challenge anyway! :)
  • These all sound excellent. I take leftover chicken breast, onion, mushroom and green pepper, sautee it all in a pan long enought to heat, but keep the crunch and add any spices/herbs you feel like for the day. Top with just a bit of shredded cheese.
  • I'm currently addicted to spinach salad with chicken and strawberries. 2 cups baby spinach (fresh) chicken strips (around 4 - cut into pieces) 2 -3 large strawberries cut into slices a few pecan pieces 1 TBSP balsamic vinaigrette It ends up around 250 calories and if the chicken is already prepared it takes less than 5…
  • I do this as well - but I'll usually cut it in half - so I have 34 straws. I usually grab these around 2:00 when I have the munchies, or if I have a smoothie for lunch and am craving something "crunchy" I find the 34 straws are plenty to cut out the cravings - and it's only 130 calories. These Veggie straws are Excellent…
  • I have also heard of this "shocking" your system, but in a slightly different way. I've heard you should vary your calorie intake, some days drop it quite low, others increase it. That being said - I don't believe it. I don't think ANYONE should ever drop their calorie intake to such low numbers (I read to drop down as low…