Great job! You're an inspiration! Great video, too - BTW.
Wow! What a transformation - you're quite inspirational! Keep up the good work.
You're inspirational! Good job!
You look great and you made me laugh! Thanks and keep it up!
Great job! Keep up the good work!
Mine rotate between "I am worth it!" and "Keep going."
Looking good! Keep it up!
Welcome! You are in great company here.
Just think of all the xylophones that could have been spelled with all those wasted X's! It's tragic really. Dude - LOL! You crack me up. Good job and congratulations!
Cold turkey and I stopped hanging out with other smokers. I still want to sometimes.
Per the other posters, Laughing Cow Light Wedges (many flavors) and Wasa Crisp Bread - very filling.
Don't be embarrassed! They're just jealous especially that dude that e-mailed you. Come on, 'your food stresses me out' - total WTF. Hang in there - and enjoy your rice cakes as everyone in the office secretly admires your willpower and wants your size 2-ness!
Boy, do I hear ya! Your list sounds like mine! Here's what I've found to be helpful: 1. Lists - you're halfway there... Now rank them in order of priority. At my house, some days, the laundry has to wait. Other days, vacuuming waits. 2. Wake up earlier - once school started this year, all my hard work over the summer…
Congratulations! You look amazing!
I nursed 2 daughters through 2.5 years and am currently night-nursing my 19 month old boy. Rest, oatmeal, and red meat were really helped me when I felt supply was going down. Getting enough sleep is next to impossible with a baby, but try to get more naps in.
I was at a serious plateau myself, and tried the usual - ate more, exercised more, etc. I was stuck! What got me going again, believe it or not, was I stopped exercising for about 5 days (my child was sick and work was super busy). It seems like you're doing all the right things, so I'm sure you won't be at the same place…
I like Kashi Go Lean cereal with protein (keeps me full) - maybe make up 1 cup serving baggies ahead of time and you just pour milk into it? Actually, I've been using my baby's Gerber bowls with lids and I just put milk in that I keep at work. I also like bananas and yogurt. Good luck.
I like Kashi Go Lean cereal with protein (keeps me full) - maybe make up 1 cup serving baggies ahead of time and you just pour milk into it? Actually, I've been using my baby's Gerber bowls with lids and I just put milk in that I keep at work. I also like bananas and yogurt. Good luck.
Congratulations! That's a huge accomplishment. Keep it up!
Ditto the others - love TJ - most of the time though, I have a hard time because they have the best snacks ever! Cookies, chocolate, etc. - all reasonably priced too (things I used to consume in one sitting). Other than that, the other stuff is really pretty tasty as the others have said.
Congratulations, you look fabulous! What an inspiration to us all.
Congratulations! I love hearing about successes, but it's the small ones that make me smile! Good job! God thinks so too!
I'm at work too but I do have stuff to do, I'd just rather not be...
The difference can be huge between individual machines too - when I didn't have my HRM, I had differences between 50-100. I would err on the side of caution and subtract somewhere in the middle - like 75.
If you are experiencing any stressful events in your life, that could also have an effect on your cycle (or lack thereof). Please go to the doctor and check it out.
Wow! That's quite an incredible schedule. From my own personal experience (3 kids from infant to 10 years old, full time employment, volunteering, etc.) - 3.5 hours of sleep will not work. You AND the kids will pay the price. Do you have a support system, family, friends, etc.? One thing I've learned is I need to ask for…
Don't give up. We're all rooting for you.
I have the same issue - I tend to eat later in the day. How about eating higher fiber and higher protein for dinner. Supposedly those keep you fuller longer. The Kashi Go Lean Cereal With Protein has worked for me (190-140 calories per cup) if I'm starving (even if I go over my calories, at least it's not all bad, KWIM?)
I agree - two thumbs up for LG! Also Black Eyed Peas!
Average = not the best but not the worst.