ohchansey Member


  • Haha yeah, I definitely fell slipped off the wagon on Sunday, with the rain preventing my usual morning walk and waking up extremely late :( I didn't have time to weight myself this morning, but I'm hoping I didn't gain much... I'm hoping to keep up my current pace for August, so that I'll be on a good track for the…
  • Yeah, I love watching "so you think you can dance" :) I've been missing it recently due to me attempting to watch less tv/online tv, but they're such amazing dancers. Unfortunately my dance schedule is usually only a few times per week, so I've been trying to practice myself and work out outside of it, but as some one that…
  • My gym schedule is mostly just in the morning :) since so far I've been super tired at night. I go walking /jogging for 1 hour and swim for 1 hour every morning. I'm trying to do push ups and hitting drills for popping each night for this week. Tuesdays and Thursdays I have popping practice for 1-2 hours. Saturdays I have…
  • A day late :( But my first Slender Sister Weigh in (weight from yesterday): 8/4/11 168.6 lbs I don't know how the challenge will go, considering I run, or mostly walk, at the speed of a snail :) but it sounds like fun! I've just started "jogging" (1/3 jog, 2/3 walk) more regularly recently. 3 days and still going strong :D
  • Any day for weigh in works for me :) I usually check my weight every morning. The fluctuations stress me out a lot, but it makes me feel more in control of my day as far as food goes.
  • I know it's kind of a pain, but pre-recording foods as I go along in the day helps me a lot. That way you have a calorie allowance for certain meals, so when you go out you can guestimate how many calories you've got to spend. I don't know why, but putting a number on everything helps me :) and this way you never find your…
  • Name (what you would like to be called, could be username or a nickname): Erica :) though it might get confusing with another erica in the group Three words that describe you: dramatic :), spastic (at times), and... twitchy? Family situation: I'm a college student, so I'm away from home. But my immediate family is entirely…
  • I'd love to join :) I definitely need some motivation and support. I've got around 40 lbs to lose, so a few steps at a time it is.
  • I definitely know how you feel :( I've been "dieting" for so long. After reaching a plateau I always give up and fall into this phase of just accepting that I'll always be overweight. Also, I think this is a really great thing to do for your kids. Personally, I'm the youngest child and my entire family is or has been…
  • I am going to.... 1. Actually try and stick to my calorie limit :3 I guess it's not actually dieting if I'm only logging the healthy things that I eat. 2. Go on a 30 min run each day, rain of shine! Since my dance class is making me sprint each week, might as well actually put some dedication into it. 3. Practice popping…