Frustrated! Need help with eating out.

So I got through my first week of keeping a food and exercise journal. I had some up and some downs. I just keep trying to tell myself, Progress- not perfection-is important.

My BIG hurdle is nights and weekends. My husband and I like to eat out and I am trying to curb this habit becuase, I know that I lose all self control when I am sitting in a restaurant staring at a menu filled with all sorts of calorie filled meals. My hubby is the type of person that can eat a house and not gain a single pound. So he always goes for the cheesiest, least healthy option.

I ALWAYS go out to eat with the best intentions of eating a healthy meal and then I cave into the high calorie, unhealty option that gives me instant gratification. And then I feel like complete crap 5 minutes after I am done eating.

Does anyone have any helpful hints on overcoming temptation?


  • 46and2
    46and2 Posts: 167
    this is going to come down to good old-fashioned self control. Wish there was a better way.. I don't know of any at least.
  • Heather75
    Heather75 Posts: 3,386 Member
    Oh. Never mind.
  • slimmer189
    slimmer189 Posts: 135 Member
    check on line to see if their menu and nutrition information is posted and try and make the choice before you go, or maybe you decide not to go. I have tried to cut done on dinner's out - We usually stick with Sushi!
  • ameyc2002
    ameyc2002 Posts: 247 Member
    i fell like crap too after a meal out.. what i am going to start doing is checking the nutrition values online of the meals then maybe pick one ahead of time b4 you even get there might help out...
  • rissaface
    rissaface Posts: 129 Member
    I've come to the realization that it was all about my thinking when it came to eating out. I now can choose the healthier options because I tell myself "this is not the last opportunity I'll get to eat out". Once you try the lower calorie options you may be pleasantly surprised. :happy: Kepp your chin up, it gets easier.
  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    Honestly I try to keep the dinners out to once a week. It is just easier that way, and you can get what you really want instead of leaving there feeling unsatisfied.
  • ohchansey
    ohchansey Posts: 10 Member
    I know it's kind of a pain, but pre-recording foods as I go along in the day helps me a lot. That way you have a calorie allowance for certain meals, so when you go out you can guestimate how many calories you've got to spend. I don't know why, but putting a number on everything helps me :) and this way you never find your calories suddenly stacking up at the end of the day. If I'm having a large dinner, I might cut down on lunch to balance. I don't know if it actually works, but it helps me feel a bit more in control :)
  • yeabby
    yeabby Posts: 643 Member
    When possible I look at the menu ahead and decide what I'm having. Then when seated I don't look at it again so that temptation to change is gone. I also log the meal before I leave. For some reason that makes me feel like I have to stick to my choice.

    Good luck!
  • ddecarr
    ddecarr Posts: 103 Member
    This has been a challenge for me also. I try to choose places where I know I can eat healthy and the kitchen is willing to accommodate. I used to starve myself trying to save all those calories for the junk I might eat, but you get so hungry you break down and go wild. I try to shift the calories I need to eat a little later into the day. When I get to the restaurant I'm not famished. and looking to devour everything in sight! Don't be afraid to ask for dishes on the menu to be prepared differently to be healthier. I find most places more than willing.

    Good Luck!!!
  • jessicahelene
    jessicahelene Posts: 77 Member
    I have trouble with this sometimes too. My boyfriend eats what he wants and doesn't gain at all. What I've found works is to give myself two options when I sit down at a restaurant. Either 1) I'll order something healthy which in all cases means some lean meat option (grilled chicken or fish) and veggies or 2) I'll order something not-so-healthy and from the beginning decide to take at least half of it home with me for boyfriend to gobble up for a snack andnotgainapound.

    That being said.... the best way to solve this problem is to go out to eat only as a treat and try to eat at home mostly. Maybe talk to hubby about how going out to eat is making it hard for you to achieve your goals? I know it's tough. Hang in there!
  • Sassy_Cass
    Sassy_Cass Posts: 408 Member
    I feel the same way - some people can eat anything and gain nothing, I can THINK about eating and gain :laugh: What I try and do is substitute the fries with salad - dressing on the side (you feel way better afterward, trust me) and go for more lean meats that actually have a tun more flavour than a burger.

    That being said, meal salads and veggie burgers sometimes have the same amount of calories IF NOT MORE than the "less healthy" options, the difference is in how your body processes these calories.

    Take it one step at a time, water instead of pop or iced tea, side salad or garden veggies instead of fries and maybe only eat 1/2 or 3/4 of the meal - even eat slower so your brain can actually register the food you are eating and you don't over eat.
  • pa_jorg
    pa_jorg Posts: 4,404 Member
    check on line to see if their menu and nutrition information is posted and try and make the choice before you go, or maybe you decide not to go.

    This. Make the decision of what you're going to eat BEFORE you sit down at the restaurant.
  • Dtrmnd86
    Dtrmnd86 Posts: 406 Member
    Take a few minutes before ordering and think of how you're going to feel after you eat a big high calorie meal. Or you can look up the calorie information for the restaurant before you go, choose something healthy and then not even look at the menu when you get there and order the healthy food.
  • wilsonk1
    wilsonk1 Posts: 6 Member
    If it helps--this is tough for me, too. I've started asking for a box right after the food arrives and putting at least half of the dinner in the box right away. Yes, the waitress normally gives me a funny glance, but they're always really nice about it.

    Good luck!:happy:
  • mill1295
    mill1295 Posts: 120 Member
    I check the nutrition information for the restaurant before we go and see how many calories I have left for the day. I usually decide what I'm going to eat before we get there. Seafood is a good option usually if you like it (and it's not fried!). If I go over I go for a walk when I get home.
  • ProTFitness
    ProTFitness Posts: 1,379 Member
    So I got through my first week of keeping a food and exercise journal. I had some up and some downs. I just keep trying to tell myself, Progress- not perfection-is important.

    My BIG hurdle is nights and weekends. My husband and I like to eat out and I am trying to curb this habit becuase, I know that I lose all self control when I am sitting in a restaurant staring at a menu filled with all sorts of calorie filled meals. My hubby is the type of person that can eat a house and not gain a single pound. So he always goes for the cheesiest, least healthy option.

    I ALWAYS go out to eat with the best intentions of eating a healthy meal and then I cave into the high calorie, unhealty option that gives me instant gratification. And then I feel like complete crap 5 minutes after I am done eating.

    Does anyone have any helpful hints on overcoming temptation?

    Dont go out! Cook at home. Most of the heathier choices are still full of salt and added butters sauces ect. Cooking foods yourself is so much better. Try cutting back to 1 time a week. More then that while your trying to loose weight will hold you back
  • Womona
    Womona Posts: 1,630 Member
    I'm going to have that problem coming up this weekend - going back home for a weekend of class and family reunions!

    The best advice I can give about restaurant food is know that what they put in front of you is usually 2-3 servings (unelss it's one of those fancy restaurants that serves small portions beautifully - then you're safe!) I usually only eat half, or if you don't think you can control the temptation, ask the server to box up half and only serve you half a portion.

    Also, try to eat as many veggie-heavy meals as you can. That way you get the yummy taste with way fewer calories. Good luck to you, and boy, I need luck as well!
  • spaingirl2011
    spaingirl2011 Posts: 763 Member
    I choose what I'm going to eat before the arriving at t he restaurant, and then I ask sor a small salad plate to portion my meal out and have the rest boxed up. That usually helps quite a bit!
  • ParadiseSkye
    When I know I'm going to eat out I usually jump online before I go and look at the menu. I'll see what I like and compare calories. Deciding ahead of time really helps. I also remind myself that it's okay not to eat everything on the plate since the portions are usually pretty big. And an added bonus, if you don't finish it, you can take some home for another time.
  • tararocks
    tararocks Posts: 287 Member
    There is no easy trick, I agree this has to be something you have self control about. I also agree to look at the menu ahead of time and see what you can get. Check the calories and decide what is worth it, then when you get there do not even open the menu, it will save you from seeing all of the other things you may want. Choose healthier places to eat out, obviously portion size and such are a problem everywhere but some places are certainly healthier than others. Other options when you feel like you cannot control your desire to eat the yummy cheesy goodness (we all have those days) is to either order it as an appetizer size or like many others before me suggest, get a to-go box right away and put half in it. I have also been known to ask for double veggies instead of the loaded mashed potatoes, the cheese and white sauced topped chicken is bad enough, at least I can save a little damage by doubling up on veggies. Good luck to you!