new but not so new.

Ok I have been on this site for a couple of months now. I start off good with the eating and exercising, then I trail off and once I trail off that's it, I feel like I failed my self and I am destoned to be a fatty for life. I really want to get into a healthy habit not only for me but my kids need it too, my oldest is over weight and everytime i look at her I feek bad becuause I am suppose to guide her to the right things and I guess she sees my bad habits, so if any one has some sugestions please feel free to friend me or just advice.:frown:


  • ohchansey
    ohchansey Posts: 10 Member
    I definitely know how you feel :( I've been "dieting" for so long. After reaching a plateau I always give up and fall into this phase of just accepting that I'll always be overweight.

    Also, I think this is a really great thing to do for your kids. Personally, I'm the youngest child and my entire family is or has been overweight. Weight struggles and diets are all that my family talks about. I think that the best thing you can pass onto your children from this process is that it's about living with healthy habits and not suffering through extreme diets. I know I've tried some crazy diets and it only ends with me binging and hating myself.

    Good luck to the both of us! :)
  • HazelGal
    HazelGal Posts: 12
    It only takes one person to change the world! You are it in your family! My mother did it for me, so I know you can do it for her. My mom went on a diet plan that gave her special menus of foods she could or couldn't eat. My mom, bless her heart, can't cook for beans and so gave the list to my dad. That is what started my health kick. We stopped having sodas and junk. We did lots of low sodium foods and smaller portions as a family unit. It really helped. We all lost a little weight and my dad has a heart problem so the low sodium helped with the blood pressure. So I know it is hard to be the one to get the ball rolling, I am doing it now with my boyfriend, but it's SOOOOO worth it! You just have to stick with it and you'll see the difference. Your family will begin to turn their noses up to pop and stuff. Everyone will feel better and be happier. Plus I was my mom's health buddy. We went the extra mile to walk together and eat even healthier that the base line. Get a bunch of inspiring people together and we'll be here to support you the whole way!!! I probably doesn't mean much coming from a 21 year old, but I can say I lived and am living it now. Add me and we can support each other ^_^ We'll get the ball rolling and it's all down hill from there...sorry no need for the bad joke I suppose XD