erinm2629 Member


  • My coach is Jill Hubbard and sheis awesome! I have been in a couple of challenge groups with and have met some awesome ladies! I am thinking about getting into coaching but haven't taken the plunge yet :-)
    in Step 1. Comment by erinm2629 March 2014
  • Hello ladies I just found the group and wanted to see if I can join in. I am on week 2 of the fix and have a challenge group on FB but find that I am still obsessively logging my meals on MFP to keep my streak alive. I would love to see what other people are eating and how the program is working for all of you. So far I…
    in Step 1. Comment by erinm2629 March 2014
  • This is me and i even have my kids watching it now and bragging to random people about the number of days....just for the record it is 900+ days :-)
  • Love me some fast food and beer! I also have a killer sweet tooth that i must keep happy at all times! Feel free to add me ;-)
  • I am in the home stretch and have been up and down for the last 5lbs a while. i am running more and getting ready to start lifting more at home so trying not to worry with the number so much. Feel free to add me if you like.
  • Blue Bell Chocolate Peanut Butter!!! Also my kids Rocky Road, Butter Crunch, and Banana Pudding.
  • i found in the first week of insanity that either my calves hurt so bad i could not go up the stairs or my shins hurt so bad i could not go down them but eventually they got used to the workouts and everything is all good now. Maybe you need to do the recovery week early and focus on cardio recovery for a week and let the…
  • I am at 810ish days and log everyday. Anyone can feel free to add me but i do delete after two weeks of no logging just because i am OCD like that!
  • i feel ya. i have some running shorts but they frive me crazy!! I find pants/capris more comfortable but want cute shorts so bad!
  • I use Runtastic but have noticed lately that when it syncs with MFP the average pace is always 11.5 mins per mile regardless of how much faster i am than that. It is a minor issue but frustrates me anyway. i also have Zombie Run but always forget to try it out.
  • I want in too! I need a little motivation to keep things going.
  • Feel free to add me as well. i just rolled over 745 days logging (i think) and have found that it is a habit for me. I am also very active as I am trianing for a half marathon in a few months. i have been hanging out in the 1lb from my goal range for a while but not letting that slow me down.
  • i used to always workout in the evenings but for the last few months i have been running with a buddy and we try to meet at least twice a week in the morning. Now when I don't run in the mornings I am tired and will not get the workout in at all. I think it has helped to have a buddy that i know is getting up even if we…
  • In the next three months i want to finally reach my GW and lose the last stubborn 5lbs. After that i will be burning the scale and really focusing on weight training and working on my endurance running.
  • Great job! 36 mins is really good for your first 5k. i ran my first in October of last year and did 36.11. Since then I have run 4 more and managed to shave timeoff each one. I am looking for a sub 30 run too but for now i am training for my first half marathon in October. Kepp up the good work and you look great!
  • That is awesome!!!
  • Yeah i want to do a Disney Run too but will totally have to plan ahead for that one and save up some $$.
  • I have been planning on a new tattoo since i started. It has taken so long to get the last 6lbs off that I can't decide what to get and where now :happy: I am also planning a tummy tuck in the future but want to give myself a chance to really get my body fat down first.
  • Started a free 4 week "boot camp" with a co-worker last week. We have both been on our weight loss journey for almost two years but she had more to lose than i did. WHen we completed our fitness evaluation so said to me "i want to be you by the time we get done". It made me feel great (and strange) to know that someone…
  • Anyone can add me. i have been on here a total of 645 days I think (Obssessive much??) I started out at 194 and currently at 151 most days. Still working on the last 5lbs but dont plan to go anywhere after that.
  • Thats an awesome one! I remember when i first noticed them in the mirror and being in awe :-)
  • I log daily and just hit day 620....I am about 4 pounds from my goal but dont plan to stop there.
  • I am sure it has been posted on here before but I like the Body Fortress Chocolate and Peanut butter Whey powder mixed wiht milk or in my morning coffee. It is reasonably priced, i get it at Walmart, which is huge for me and has something like 32g protein per scoop. It was pretty low in other numbers too but I can't…
  • So far an average human leg but shooting for that plus a human
  • I'm in!! I have been losing the same freakin 3 lbs for a while now. I am only a few pounds from my goal but cannot get to it. I will have my hubby hide mine tonight and will not weigh until mid April or maybe May 1 depending on how i feel about it. I am a daily weigher but have been doing more weight at the gym causing the…
  • I did have a box of skinny pants but now i am wearing them! I was dipping into a friends stash for a while but that has dried up too so i guess i now have an excuse to go shopping!
  • Beef jerky is a great snack and low cal. i also mix my protein powder in my morning coffee and get 36g while i drink a low calorie mocha substitute. Once you get used to squeezing in the extra protein you will start to miss it if its gone!
  • You look GREAT! Even look younger in this years pic.....Good Work!
  • I am in but it is going to be hard because i am a glutton for punishment and ususally weigh daily! I need to take a break because the number has not been my friend for a couple of weeks. I am totally addicted but looking forward to not stepping on it. I will put it away as soon as i get home today :-)