

  • australia. g'day mate!
  • god i feel so old! i like anything by Billy Joel. Led Zeppelin too.oh and Queen. dunno how that got there twice!
  • god i feel so old! i like anything by Billy Joel. Led Zeppelin too.oh and Queen.
  • yoga is a great help for anxiety. it helps you to learn to control your breathing by focussing on it. you don't need to do difficult poses. find a DVD with simple poses and a good relaxation session included. you can learn to use the techniques when you feel your anxiety starting to build. hope this helps.
  • this makes sense to me. i always lose weight when i limit carbs but do miss fruit-( bread,crackers etc i would not give you thank you for-) am going to do this test and see where i fit in. i know when i eat lots of grains etc trying to eat"healthy" i get terrible heartburn and crave sweet stuff so maybe this is the answer…
  • hopefully as from yesterday? i started low carb yesterday with 17 gr and overnight i lost the 500g i have been struggling to lose for the last 3 weeks or so. i know it's fluid but i haven't been able to shift it by any other means. a natureopath told me that people often feel so much better on low carbs cos they have a…
  • hello all, from Australia. i have been using MFP for a few weeks now and although i haven't lost any weight i have re jigged my lifestyle. i have always been under my calorie allowance and increased my exercise without any loss but as i keep saying i feel so much better so there is a plus. i think i am going to adjust my…
  • hello all, just discovered this link thiis morning(Aussie time) i used to control my weight using Atkins a few years ago with great success and have followed various versions of this regime on and off since. my problem is I AM SO OVER MEAT, TUNA, HAM ETC.! I only want to lose about 6kg and have been counting cals here for…
  • i need to eat protein in the morning or i get carb cravings in the arvo. its not exactly a craving but fatigue and because i am too tired to make a proper snack i nibble on simple carbs like crackers.fruit doesn't help either unless i have some nuts or cottage with it. i usually have an omelette with a little cheese and…
  • i used to do leslie sansone tapes when my kids were little and it was too hard to get out of the house with them all. that was in the days of tapes and before dvd's it was great for getting the post baby weight off. she was leslie tomaleo( i think that's how it is spelt) then. i have recently purchased a couple of her…