Carb Conscious Peeps - June 2009



  • Georg
    Georg Posts: 1,728 Member
    I haven't experienced water retention issues with or without low carb.
    I know that gallons of water will wash the sodium through.
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    Happy Sunday all, I am still struggleing with my carbs and my insulin. Iam trying for 10 carbs per meal and 10 carbs for bedtime snack. My blood sugar is eith too high or too low. So far today it has Balance out just fine. Keeping my fingers cross for the rest of today.

    Leo or anyone. I read in my book that if you cut your carbs way back it will help with water retioning do anyone know any thing about this?


    Well, for me I found that taking the grains out of my diet has helped with water retention. Specifically a grain called Wheat..............Wheat makes me bloat, retain water and feel yucky. I can have oats, quinoa and brown rice with no issues.

    So, I know for sure that I have a wheat intolerance.

    That is why I keep saying I like the Atkins plan so much. With going up the carb ladder, you find a equilbrium which helps with balancing blood sugars quickly and adding foods in one at a time, I am able to find which foods my body can tolerate and can not tolerate.

    So far, broccoli and wheat are the only 2 things that I am intolerate too.

    Fat is your friend also, it keeps my blood sugar stable.
  • hasiangirl
    hasiangirl Posts: 1,613
    heres the question i many carbs are u allowed a day?....I've cut back significantly but i need atleast 80 a day
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    heres the question i many carbs are u allowed a day?....I've cut back significantly but i need atleast 80 a day

    Everyone's body is different on the carb threshold and how active you are.

    I eat with a ratio of

    60% fat
    30% protein
    10% carbs

    I generally eat between 25-30 grams of carbs per day, which is a lot of veggies and have some fruit too.

    In the Atkins book, he says that you should add in carbs in 5 carb increments until you stop losing. Then back it off 5 grams of carbs to keep losing. This is called the CCLL (Critical Carb Limit for Losing). That means when you eat that number of carbs, you will stop losing and maintain. If you go over the number, you will gain and if you stay under the number you will lose.

    The more active you are, the higher your CCLL should be, unless you are metabolically resistant, which means your metabolism is shut down.
  • hasiangirl
    hasiangirl Posts: 1,613
    i used to be on what i thought was a low carb diet...the only carbs i ate were from fruits and veggies but by looking at how many carbs are in fruits and veggies im going to assume i wasnt on all that low of a carb diet :laugh: (this was back when i was 17-19) but i did lose a lot of weight in a short amount of time...i was also working out about 5 hours a day:noway: ... i do want to cut back on my carbs tho...i think im gonna start with cutting my rice that i love oh so much...and any breads/pastas
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    i used to be on what i thought was a low carb diet...the only carbs i ate were from fruits and veggies but by looking at how many carbs are in fruits and veggies im going to assume i wasnt on all that low of a carb diet :laugh: (this was back when i was 17-19) but i did lose a lot of weight in a short amount of time...i was also working out about 5 hours a day:noway: ... i do want to cut back on my carbs tho...i think im gonna start with cutting my rice that i love oh so much...and any breads/pastas

    My doctors told me if your carbs are coming from natural sources then you are on a "controlled carb" eating plan.

    I know some people that say they "low carb" and they are eating upwards of 130-150 grams of carbs per day, but they are again, coming from natural sources.

    Atkins is a controlled carb eating plan, as you don't stay at 20 grams of carbs forever.
  • Georg
    Georg Posts: 1,728 Member
    I find that 20-30 carbs/day is too low for my brain. :grumble:
    I feel like I have to restrict my diet too much & feel like I'm missing out - so if I increase to 30-50/day I still often finish under. :wink:
    It's a brain trick.
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    I find that 20-30 carbs/day is too low for my brain. :grumble:
    I feel like I have to restrict my diet too much & feel like I'm missing out - so if I increase to 30-50/day I still often finish under. :wink:
    It's a brain trick.

    I actually have been getting between 35-50 a day.
  • michellem81
    :happy: I love our local farmer's market, there are even more vendors this year and I am able to find lots of fresh fruits and veggies!!!!!! I also have a small garden at my house and have a bumper crop of grape tomatoes, red and yellow sweet peppers!!!! Love those antioxidants!!!![
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    :happy: I love our local farmer's market, there are even more vendors this year and I am able to find lots of fresh fruits and veggies!!!!!! I also have a small garden at my house and have a bumper crop of grape tomatoes, red and yellow sweet peppers!!!! Love those antioxidants!!!![

    Oh yeah, I live in and around a bunch of small towns and Saturday is Farmers Market Day. I go to 4-5 different towns getting stuff from each Farmers Market.

    Lovely. I need a bigger yard so I can plant a garden.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    We don't have any farmers mkt around in my area. They do have a big one in Dallas but my Husband refused to drive there. So I have to buy all of my veggies and fruit at the store. We grow our own tomatoes, squash and cucmbers. And I have some Eggplant this year but they have not bear anything. yet. They ae blooming tho. We will plant a fall garden next week. We just have a small space.

    I have not got my blood work back yet. I have an appt to go in Next Tues to get the results.

    Well time to prepared my Chicken pizza for tonight. I will cook two and have my supper for tomorrow night cooked.
  • lilchook
    lilchook Posts: 20
    hello all, just discovered this link thiis morning(Aussie time) i used to control my weight using Atkins a few years ago with great success and have followed various versions of this regime on and off since. my problem is I AM SO OVER MEAT, TUNA, HAM ETC.! I only want to lose about 6kg and have been counting cals here for a few weeks without success so am going back to low carb eating as i know it will work for me. i have no problem with eggs, cheese, veges although i do miss my fruit -i or 2 pieces a day. i get so frustrated as i consider that i eat well and have tried to avoid" "extremes" as so many people refer to low carb eating. anyway just wanted to say hi and hope that you are all still progressing.
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    LOL, when did we start posting in this thread again????????
  • lilchook
    lilchook Posts: 20
    hopefully as from yesterday? i started low carb yesterday with 17 gr and overnight i lost the 500g i have been struggling to lose for the last 3 weeks or so. i know it's fluid but i haven't been able to shift it by any other means. a natureopath told me that people often feel so much better on low carbs cos they have a wheat intolerance. i am not a big bread/pastry lover and never have been even as a child(used to throw my sandwiches away at school much to my mum's disgust) and always left the pastry on pies etc. and i wouldn't give you a thank you for a piece of cake! what i do find though is that when i make myself eat these things on a conventional 'little bit of everything plan" that i crave cakes/ biscuits and sweet stuff generally. so maybe my bod is telling me something!
    Have a great day all!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Hello Lilhook We are all posting on this thread now Please come join us. click on the link below