- This site is awesome so many workouts and either no or little equip and don't need much room. All free, apart from your internet connection
Wow that is amazing story, good on you. What an inspiration!
I hear ya, have same problem , really need good ones otherwise you just ahve pain. I got a pair of Brooks, as they are good for wide fits, they are so awesome, but cost a bit, got them properly fitted and would always do that now, well worth it, as i got some nike as looked pretty and way to narrow and big waste of money.
Apart from using a HRM, i would put in in as circuit training, as that is kinda what you are doing. Good on you bumping it up, I did my session this morning and she killed me, going to be sore, but is great.
Great words, such the key don't give up and just keep at it, sucess will then follow
bump keen to hear too, need a new weights programme
Totally Love Bullet, but yeah not so sure on new stuff. I saw them live when their first album was out, they were awesome, can't remember the venue now, was about 7 years ago i think and was pretty small venue which rocked. They motivate me on the cardio stuff.:drinker:
Boom Making them this weekend
Really reconmend getting a proper fitting otherwise you might end up wasting money. I got some Nike free runs and as i need arch support and wide feet were terrible. Ended up getting some Brooks and are great excellent support on arch and are dsigned for wider fits.
I like to do soemthing everyday. Have one day that is lighter is excercise maybe a nice big walk, so give mussle bit of rest and rest from running. Always like to mix up so have rest days from weights but then do cardio. I had a trainer once tell me you eat 7 days a week so should work out the same.
I do it with one banana mashed and 2 egg whites, then cinnamon yummo, blueberries once cooked and an delight
Recently got jillian Micheales Kickbox kick fast dvd. Love love love it. Intense workout and some tonning is fun and goes fast. All kickboxing and boxing. 3 x min workouts, and you move the entire time, so is very intense. You can do one for a fast option, 2 or even 3 for 60 mins. I find i do one , then do the next then,…
Am def in, add me, need the motivation to keep it going through that silly season
Wow, that looks good. am so going to try that.
Yay sounds good, checking it out now.:happy:
Solutions not excuses, that is my motto. I don't have to do overseas but travel for work. Re workouts in hotel room. Look for workouts online. Could do skipping without a rope, just pretend, push ups , squats , lunges, jumping jacks etc. Also could look into getting resitance bands, where you can use the hotel room, and…
Reserach on line. I foudn a great motivator for me was reading blogs and information about weight loss and health, gave me ideas and then led me to more and more information. There are some great healthly website for recipes that have great ideas for yummy food but healhty and low cals, helps to to think and recreate…
hmm, i would be not happy at all. Looking at your stats and your pic i think you look pretty great, and only going out for 2 months. Really think that was rude of him and really not called for personally. Is that your puppy in your pic , stick to him or her, dogs love you just the way you are,
Sounds like a good workout. 30-40 mins is good, if is a good intensity so runnign and jump rope det is good. Resistance work or weights is always good so try to add that in too. Doesn't need to be gym , can use your own body weight.
Welcome back you can do it, just keep at it, it takes time but worth it, just added you
Perhaps google it. I did see that you can use low sodium soy and worchester sauce which help and making your own would be much better than brought stuff.
Yeah i am reallyt liking, also coles has put out soem organic ranges as well which i love. The salads are really good, as i work on the road so was albe to buy one when was staying away, was nice and able to keep to my cals.
Hi I had a slight pinched nerve on lower back about a month ago. Was so frustrating. However didn't want to make it worse. First few days was really sore. I rested for a few days and did walks with my dogs, just easy ones. Then once felt bit better would go on bike at the gym, kept away from weights at gym, but at least…
Olive Oil, Black Pepper, Garlic and Lemon is good, shake it up in a jar. Also Bassmic Vinegar is good. Another one for a creamy one, low fat natural or greek yoghurt with Lemon juice and black pepper,